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~Smut warning 18 plus~
(Tine pov)
Everyone was having a good time except me.I was so bored and I just sat on the couch.Dean and his friends were drinking alcohol when Dean called me"Hey Tine!",Dean said."Yeah what is it?",I asked."Do you want some drinks?",Dean asked.I was a little bored so why not? I thought."Yeah sure!",I said going over to them."Here",Dean said handing me a beer.I got so drunk that night I couldn't even see where I was going.I was carrying around my bottle walking towards who knows what when I then fall down."Hey watch were yourrr going~",My voice slurred."Drunk again are we",I heard Sarawat say."

(Sarawat pov)
I helped him up.This is the second time I've seen him wasted."Oooo so handsome",Tine said as I helped him up.I put his arm around my shoulder."I'm going to take you to my room okay?",I said to him."Oookay",Tine said his voice slurring.Once I got to my room I sat him on my bed."Go to sleep I'll make you breakfast in the morning",I said to him laying him down.I was just about to leave when I felt a hand grab my wrist."Stay with me please",I heard Tine say making me blush."F-Fine only this once",I said sitting down next to him.He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him making our faces a few inches apart.

"What are you doing?!",I said trying to pull back.Once I got out of his embrace he sat up and back hugged me. "Your mine~",Tine said making me blush harder. "Stop being stupid your drunk!",I said breaking free from his hold.I then got up and turned around to him.This is the first time he's actually showing affection to me...I leaned closer to him.I want him permanently.I then looked down at his lips.They looked so soft.Then I kissed him passionately.The kiss grew wilder as I got on top of him.He was kissing back.I forced his mouth open by biting his lip then snaked my tongue in.I breaker the kiss so I could breathe and then pinned his hands onto the bed with my one hand.I used my other hand to explore up his shirt.I felt his warm skin and played with his nipples.I then threw his shirt off and began to suck his neck leaving bruises.I kissed his skin all the way to his chest.He put his hands on my head.

I soon unzipped his pants and threw them off leaving his underwear on.I then took off my own shirt and pants and began kissing him more.Then I started to tease him by using my tongue to flick his nipples. "S-Stop",I heard him whimper. "Stop what baby?",I asked him. "Stop teasing me",He said.I looked up at him and saw his beautiful face with a light blush. As I looked at him he touched my abs then explored all the way down. "I want you",He said . "Then take me",I whispered in his ear.He pulled down my underwear to reveal my cock.He looked up to me and I nodded.I moved to where my cock was near his mouth.He began to lick around it making me bite my lower lip.Then he began sucking. "Ahh",I groaned as he bit it.I couldn't take it anymore I wanted him.I moved back and he looked up at me confused.I made it to where he was facing me and I slid his underwear down. "Turn around",I ordered.He did as he was told and lied on his stomach. "Can I have you?",I asked Getting onto him. "Always..",He said.I put my tip in him and heard him groan.

I moved more in him and began to thrust softly. "aaahhh~",I heard him moan.His moans were like music to my ears.I thrusted harder. "Aaaahhh! Sarawat~",Tine moaned my name which made me crazy. "Baby I'm going to cum",I said. "I-it's fine Ahhh",Tine said moaning.I cumed and when I was out of energy Removed my cock from inside him.I lied next to him.He was breathing heavily.I cuddled up next to him and took him in my arms.He was already passed out due to the alcohol.I stared at him.He was gorgeous.Soon I drifted off to sleep.
__________end of smut warning________

(Tine pov)
I woke up and a sting of pain came from my Forehead and my ass.what the fuck happened.My vision soon cleared and I saw a naked Sarawat in front of me.Wtf! I got up but soon fell due to the pain  in my ass. "Ah shit",I said rubbing my forehead because of the headache.I heard Sarawat move and then I saw him sit up. Shit shit shit shit..I saw him rush towards me. "Are you okay!",he yelled as he helped pick me up.I looked at his crotch in embarrassment and then looked up at him. "What happened and why do I have a sore ass!",I asked him angrily. "I'll explain everything later just take a shower.",Sarawat said helping me up.I limped to the bathroom.I was naked to so There could have only been one explanation...we had it.I locked the door and instantly went into the shower.I covered my face.I can't believe I had sex with Sarawat.After I showered my headache had healed a little and then I left the bathroom after putting my washed clothes on.Shit I was probably drunk last night. I looked at the desk next to Sarawats bed there was my phone and some medicine.I took the medicine and my headache was gone but I still limped a little.

Shit how hard did he go on me.I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table.Sarawat was cooking some breakfast then he began to speak "So yeah I'm sorry about last night..",Sarawat said. "It's fine don't worry about it I was drunk",I said looking down at the table. "Here",Sarawat said placing my breakfast onto the table and then going into his room.I was happy he left because then I wouldn't have to eat in awkwardness.I left him a note that read,
   Sorry about last night.Thanks for the food and for washing my clothes.Lets just not tell anyone about last night.

I then left his dorm.I looked at my phone.Third and Pharm spammed my phone with questions like Where are you? What happened? Where did you go?God how am I going to make up an excuse.I then walked to my faculty and met up with my friends. "What the hell happened to you,you look wasted!",Pharm asked. "I got sick so I left early.",I lied. "Then why did you come to school today?",Third asked. "Ugh stop annoying me with questions let's just go to class",I said dragging them along with me towards class.

(Sarawat pov)
God I still remember his beautiful face last night.I tried to clear my thoughts of him but couldn't.Maybe some water will help.I went into the kitchen and saw a note on the table.I read the note and smiled.At least he doesn't think it's awkward between us.I grabbed a glass of water and chugged it down.I need to get him out of my mind.I got ready for class and then left my dorm and to the school.I then saw my friends by the gate. "Yah Why are you late!",Khai said as soon as he saw me. "Slept in",I lied. "Don't lie I saw you go home with Tine you did something to him didn't you?",Dean said. "God it's so hard to lie to you",I said.

A:n: sorry bad at writing smut!hope you like it😉(my innocence 😭😭)love you guys❤️

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