Chapter 13

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[i think there's like four swear words or more so.... look out for that... -u-]

I haven't talked much on Aria and Sean.

They're the power couple. They already slept together which is kinda gross I gotta say and they love each other. They're was this one awkward moment though when they both cheated on each other. But they got over it and stayed together. Kinda weird but whatever.

I walk out of my English class to lunch chatting with Hana and Ryan. Ryan recently sold a canvas painting for around five hundred dollars.

"Oh my gosh, what?! That's so amazing!!" Hana exclaims, stoked for Ryan.

Ryan runs her fingers through her hair, "I know right?! Now I almost have enough saved up for a tablet. I have the iPad but I want bigger y'know."

I nudge Ryan playfully with my elbow, "I told you I can get one for your birthday!"

Ryan grins, "Noo you'd be using your money. Plus I'm so close to the final amount. Just a couple hundred dollars away."

We walk to the lockers and put some of our binders and books to lighten our bags.


I spin around to see Claire behind me. She's not with her clique and is standing with her arms crossed.

"Can I talk to you... personally?"

Hana and Ryan nod and grin at me as they walk away. I close my locker and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"What is it?"

We walk down the hallway slowly. Claire looks troubled.

"Look I know we're not the closest friends and I haven't always been nice to you but I'm not saying this to make you feel bad."

I'm confused, "O-ok?"

Claire stops in her steps and looks directly in my eyes, "Noah's cheating on you."

I sigh, "Claire I don't need this right no-"

Claire furrows her brows, "No Erin, I'm not saying this to play with your feelings– It's true. He's cheating on you. And you need to know it. He's not the sweet boy he acts like."

I blink, "With.... who? For how long...?"

Claire doesn't ask a clarifying question, "With Sara. Since you got hurt.."

Sara. Claire's friend. For more than a month. WHILE I was in a hospital bed and in a cast.

My heart aches, "Did she know about me and Noah..?"

Claire bites her lip, "...Yeah. Look if it makes you feel any better, we're not friends anymore. It's not right to be with another girl's man."

I offer a weak smile, "Thanks for telling me, Claire."

Claire smiles back, "I had to."

With that she walks off to the rest of her friends and I'm left standing there, my heart broken in a million pieces.


After talking angrily about Noah to Aria over the phone, she tells me I need to go confront him. I'm to angry to cry so I agree and storm out of my house to his. I text Noah I'm here and he comes from the back door and quickly leads me to his room. As soon as he closes the door, he runs to me and grabs the back of my thighs and kisses me. I melt in the kiss for a split second but remember why I'm here, I break from our kiss and away from his grasp. He looks worried.

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