Chapter 9

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Three days after the funeral, my dad and my mom finally came home with us. Grandma too. Bear was very excited to meet them and but my parent's don't care that much. They only said hi to him, pet him, then went in their rooms to work. Connor and I just sat around and did mostly nothing.

Grandma's been bossing everyone around, driving us crazy. But we listen to her and follow her orders because.. well.... she's Grandma..

A week after the funeral, it was mostly behind us but we were still not in the best mood. I went to Aria's and we had a blast. We watched five movies in a row, made cookies, and chatted. Noah and I texted but I didn't feel like going over. My mind was still on Gramps and it made me depressed.

Now it's Monday of the last week of the break. I need to take my mind off everything going on right now. So I pull out the Dog House business card and dial the scribbled number on the other side of it. I tap my finger on my phone while I hold it up to my ear, waiting for someone to pick up. After a couple seconds, the other side picks up.

"Hello, Luca Flyer."

I pick at my nails with my thumb, "Yeah, hey Luca, it's me um, Erin."

"Oh hey, Erin! Wow I didn't actually think you'd call!"

I nibble my thumb nail.

"Yeah uhm.. look I'm so sorry I didn't hit you up on Instagram and call you sooner. It's been kinda hectic. But I was wondering if you're at the shelter right now? I'd love to volunteer."

"It's no problem, really. But yeah I am at the shelter so feel free to come!"

I feel better already, "O-ok sure! I'll be there in ten."

"Alright, I'll let Rhoda know you're coming."

"Ok! Thank you so much. See you!"

"Yep! See you in a few."


Luca hangs up.

I set down my phone and grab my clothes and get changed. I haven't really changed out of my home clothes in a while so I make sure I look ok. Today I'm going to wear.... a big white shirt and black denim shorts. I take my wallet and my phone and tie a thin jacket around my waist. I walk out of my room while I'm putting on my socks. When I walk downstairs to the living room, I see Dad sitting on the couch tapping away at his laptop and Grandma and Mom sitting at the dining room table sipping tea or coffee. I slip on my shoes at the door and grab the keys from the rack.

"Mom, I'm going out."

Mom looks up from her cup briefly, "Alright, Erin. Drive safe-"

Grandma's sharp blue eyes squints at me, "Where and why are you going Erin?"

Dad sighs, "Mom, she has her freedom. She doesn't have to tell us where or why she's going out."

Grandma shifts her cold glance to my dad, "Is this how you parent? Just let your kids run off on their own without even telling you where they're going? Do you not find it important?"

Mom sets down her cup, "Anna-"

Grandma's hair whips as she turns her head around violently, "It's Ana."

Mom raises her eyebrows slightly and looks back at Grandma, "It's alright. We know that Erin and Connor are good kids. We trust where they go."

Grandma completely ignores Mom and turns again to look at me.

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