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a/n: how cute is that photo :(( my heart 

They had just finished mopping the two first floors of Aldermere. The third one would have to be finished by tomorrow.

Jin looked at Jungkook, who had sat down on the floor, clearly not doing too well. The last time they had eaten was five hours ago and those hours had fit swimming and a lot of cleaning in them. They were both extremely low on energy.

Jin offered his hand to help Jungkook up. His mind was either somewhere else or nowhere at all, but he eventually grabbed the helping hand. They walked to their separate rooms, and seeing Jungkook exhaustedly stumble through the door made him feel awful. It was Jins fault that they were in this mess in the first place. Jin promised himself to be more mature from now on.

He opened the door and stepped on a piece of paper. Tiredly he squatted down to pick it up, his head spinning from low bloodsugar. It was a page from a book that had writing on the other side. Jin looked back at the empty hallway. A spark of joy had lit up in his eyes. Yoongi had stolen food for them.

He silently walked to his door and knocked a little. They weren't supposed to visit others rooms during these hours. 

Yoongi opened the door and dropped small fabric bag to his hands.

"Thank you," Jin said, reliefed.

"No problem, dumbass," Yoongi replied, "Please don't don't make me do this again."

Jin nodded and thanked him again. Usually he would have told Yoongi to watch his mouth, but right now he didn't really feel like he could disagree on his words. 

Behind the closed doors of his own room, he looked through the small amount of food. It was better than nothing and would give them energy to get through the treatment. Jin placed a slice of bread and a carrot on top of his desk and put everything else back. Jungkook needed them more than he did. Jin opened the door quietly, hearing his own echoing heartbeat. Let's see if he'd get caught trying to deliver the help.


It was 5pm.
Taehyung walked after Jimin into a smaller room in the basement. They had not been informed what was going to happen or why they were the only patients there, but this is Aldermere, the rules and the morals are for the adults to break. The room looked a lot like the one yesterday and it gave shivers down Taehyungs spine. The only light came from candles and the whole room felt a little moist.

He had been thinking about having to go through this again for a few hours now and couldn't help but to feel weak on his legs. He hoped that there would be no amnesia or suspicious rituals this time, but his gut told him otherwise.

Jimin  remembered the medical nurse who brought them there vaguely. He had only seen him once or twice during the years, but the cold face wasn't easy to forget. 

The nurse introduced himself as Dr. Gavet and told them to stand next to two wooden poles that were about five meters away from each other. Taehyung followed after Jimin, trying to seek comfort in him.

"We're here to find out how little sin you have in your system," Dr. Gaver explained but seemed to be only talking to himself while going through a bag. He continued on his own, but it wasn't clear enough for the boys to hear or understand.

"Now, put your hands behind your back, please," he instructed.

Jimin followed the orders without hesitation. Taehyung moved his weight from leg to leg nervously before doing the same. Ali had advised him to not resist.

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