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"Wait, where are we going?" Taehyung whispered.

"Well be right next to you the entire time," Jin responded in a steady tone.

Him curving the question made Taehyung more nervous and his breathing fastened.

His hands were starting to sweat and a feeling of something going terribly wrong haunted his thoughts.

The kids were walking in a line to a chamber like hall with a high cealing. The only source of light came from the candles that were all around the room. They had been told to change into the white shirts which had oddly long sleeves.

Seeing Taehyung freaked out by all of this made even Jungkook feel sorry for him. They were all once here for the first time and it was something they could never forget. Tae was rapidly turning his head to see the room, which only had chairs with belts tied to them.

The Angles who weren't leading them to their seats were standing in front of them, without moving an inch and staring at them as they walked closer.

The kids were all sat down and for Taehyungs horror, the sleeves and the chairs belts were used to tie them down to the chairs.

His panic was causing him to try and get up again, thinking this all a big misunderstanding. He had just been sent to a different school and this was not how he thought they had worked. The nurse, who had all black clothes pushed him back down and tightened the belt. His breathing getting even more irrelgular.

Yoongi, who was sitting next to him noticed this.

"It's okay, take deep breaths," he whispered, fully knowing that him saying that didn't help much.

Taehyung nodded and closed his eyes. This couldn't be as bad as he thought, right? They were just tied down in a dark room and being stared at by old creepy women in cult-like clothes. The adreanaline and the instinct to run away as far as he could wasn't helping either.

Taehyung wiggled around, trying to find even a little bit more comfortable position and looked around the room again.

There were only about twenty of them there, but luckily Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi and Ali were here with him. They were all staring at the ground without moving. None of them looked particulally scared either, just tense.

Tae looked down as well and noticed how the persons chair in front of him was nailed to the floor. Why was it so important to keep them still?

The Angels now started to move, while singing something. Teahyung couldn't understand what they were saying but he was sure it wasn't anything happy. The tone they sang in sounded threathening and send chills down his spine.

They begun blowing out the candles everywhere else exept in the front and the room got even darker than it already was. The singing had switched to humming.

Something was now being prepared. He could hear the noise of liquid being poured into little glasses. In order, the students were made to drink it, and by the noises he could tell it wasn't good.

Taehyung looked at Ali, who was in the row before him. She hadn't moved at all but now obidiently opened her mouth to drink. She crunched her nose and exhaled deeply, making Taehyung fearfully wait for what was about to happen. She looked exhausted.

Then they got to him. He looked at the Angel in the eyes and was met with emotionless dark glass-like eyes, who just stared back at him. The tiny glass was put on his lips, but he resisted by keeping his mouth shut. She waited for three seconds, but after realising he wasn't co-operating she exetended her hand, grapped his chin and lifted his face upwards. In shock of the harsh treatment, Taehyung just stared at her in shock, unavailable to move. She pulled his lower lip forward with her two fingers and forcefully poured the dark liquid in his mouth.

The awfully salty but sweet mixture slid down his throat from between his teeth. He quickly pulled his head away from the strong grip as the nurse moved forwards to Yoongi. Taehyung gagged and was sure he was going to throw up. The weird sweet taste was still in his mouth and tingled in his throat.

He looked at Yoongi, who was already done with the drink. He was furrowing his eyebrows in disgust, but other than that, he seemed fine.

Yoongi looked back at him and in a second his face quickly changed from disgusted to worried. Tae put his tongue out and crunched his face, showing how disgusting the drink had been, but Yoongi rushed to shake his head.

"No, put your tongue back in," he hurried to whisper, and those were the last words Tae fully remembered

His head dropped forwards, and if Yoongi hadn't warned him, he would have most likely bit of the tip of his tongue. All of the humming in the room echoed in his head and made him feel dizzy. It could be heard all around them.

He felt incredebly tired and raising his head back was out of the question. Million thoughts were circelling around in his brain.

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