"Be by my side," Harry demanded sharply when I stopped again, trying to pull my collar away. Now I was literally pressed against him while his fingers gripped the end of the chain. There was an impassive mask on his face, however, as always. As we walked, our steps were completely inaudible.

The sky shimmered with dark red and violet colors, and at a distance could see thick smoke that wraps clouds. There were hot stones under my feet that burned my bare feet as I stepped on them. It seemed like was walking on hot summer sand.

I took a quick step when I heard a loud scream in the distance, it sounded so clear that I could hear the pain and longing in my voice.

"Where are we?" I whispered.

"Now you will see."

Harry was not at all bothered by the heat and screams that were still going on. It became clearer to me smoke and a dense forest, on the trees of which leaves did not grow.

I just need to think that this is a completely different place and nothing bad will happen. Although I can easily feel the pain; Harry always kept me in awe.

Does he want to get rid of me?

"I'm not going to get rid of you, Avery," Harry answered irritably to my dumb question. But then he muttered again, "In any case, for now."

I wanted to cry. Harry needs me only for his comforts, and, ultimately, when I get tired of him, he will get rid of me - like all the other girls.

We walked on hot stones, with each step we climbed higher and higher. I looked only under my feet, hoping I would not fall. When my gaze dropped, I felt dizzy; I was never afraid of heights, but that was too much.

When we got to the very top, we found ourselves in a clear round space; we were at the highest point here, so we could see everything. I was sad, because the screams did not calm down. I forced myself not to look down - I did not want to know what was there.

"Harry! You made it," I recognized this voice - it belonged to the demon who saved me. He was sitting on a stone chair, and I noticed a girl who was sitting at his feet. I could even see the same collar around her neck, although the chain was thinner than Harry was holding. Her head bowed before him, she was wearing a dress, but unlike my white, her dress was black.

Harry loosened his grip on my collar, and I immediately tripped when he suddenly started walking. I frowned when I heard the demon laugh suddenly started walking. I frowned when I heard the demon laugh because I stumbled. Sometimes I forget that these guys are demons; they are made of pure evil.

"I see that you are still teaching her," he said, amused at the fact that he was watching me.

"Yes, she still has a lot to learn," Harry answered with a low growl, looking at me, silently ordering me to sit down. I slowly knelt down with my back on Harry's right foot. His hand stroked my head, raking my hair into a fist, fingering silky locks between his fingers.

Now I really feel like a dog.

"Don't worry, buddy, training is the best part," the demon laughs again. "Isn't that so, Astrid ?" - I wanted to see what the girl would do - but she was just silent.

"Where's Niall?" Harry asked.

"He will come soon with his pet," the other demon answered casually, leaning back in the stone chair, studying everything around him with a bored look. "Hey, did you show her the fire pit?"

"Not yet," Harry unzipped the lock on his collar and whispered, "Go to the ledge and tell me what you see."

What will I see?

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