Chapter 5: Vindictive

Start from the beginning

"Good, dear. If anything happens, don't be shy and wake me up, okay?" She whispered in a soft whisper, kissing me firmly on the forehead. She looked around the room before gently closing the door behind her.

When she left my room, all my attention was paid only to this guy. My smile wore off, my eyes narrowed, because I was tense when his green eyes looked straight into mine.

"Who are you?" I asked slowly. "Why couldn't she see you?"

"Your grandmother cannot see me because her faith is too strong," he answered in the usual tone, sitting down on a chair and leaning back relaxedly on his back. He ruffled his curly hair before adding, "And by the way, my name is Harry. Well, this is my human name."

My eyebrow involuntarily jerked up, "What do you mean by the words 'human name'?"

"I am not human."

"Then what are you? Ghost?"

Harry laughed at my guess; sweet dimples appeared on his cheeks when he smiled. He looked so cute, one could even say childishly, unless of course the darkness in his eyes was ignored. And the black clothes he wore did not make him seem too friendly. "I'm not a ghost," he said, as if chuckling at me. But his face changed in seconds when he said, "I am a demon."

"Demon?" my heart stopped beating at the mere word.

I knew very well who the demons were. They were the opposite of angels; they should hurt people as much as they can. Angels helped people, demons destroyed them. And my fear was fully justified when he said this.

"You don't look like a demon," I whispered.

"That's because I'm in human form," Harry answered. "When I'm in demonic form, I don't look so hot. Well, if you know what I mean," he grinned again and winked at me, but this did not produce the expected effect on me, I just frowned.

"You came from ... Hell?" I asked.

"Don't you know anything about demons?" Harry asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, he was still grinning at me.

"I know what they do. They want to harm people," I muttered.

"Ah, no, thse are only demons who want to take control of people. You see, there are many kinds of demons. And I'm not such a demon," Harry answered.

"What demon are you?"

His eyes full of darkness sparkled with my question, he again stood at the foot of the bed, leaning slightly towards me to whisper quietly, "I find lost souls. And your soul, Avery, is one of them. You are lost."

I felt uncomfortable under his heavy gaze. I pulled out a pillow in front of me, hoping to be fenced off from his piercing gaze. "How lost?"

"Your faith in Him has greatly weakened," Harry answered. "You're drunk with anger, because your family was killed, right? You cannot believe that they deserve it."

"Of course they don't deserve it!" I objected.

"And you get angry that the police can't do anything about it. They can't give you what you want," Harry continued. "They cannot do what you so desire to find those who killed your family. You want revenge, Avery."

"Revenge?" I whispered. "I don't want revenge. I just want them..." I shut up, feeling guilty.

"You just remember how angry they were killing your little brother," Harry pointedly reminded. "They don't really care that they killed him, do they? They ruined your life, Avery. And you want revenge. Do not lie to yourself."

"But it's not right to want revenge on someone," I muttered, although my heart sank at the thought. Frowning, I gripped the blanket more firmly, "My faith is still strong, I just-"

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