"Awesome. So, basically every Hurricane-chugging, boob-flashing tourist on Bourbon Street is a potential spy," Hayley comments, looking frustrated.

"The good news is, I know a little about how her magic works," Freya gestures to a tray set up, where six teacups filled with tonic. "This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us."

Rory leans forward to take one, immediately downing the contents. Klaus stares at her all the while, a betrayed look on his face. Rory scoffs at him, placing the empty cup on the table. "What? I'm not letting someone invade my mind. I got lots of things I need to keep under wraps up here," Rory gestures towards her head.

"This is a betrayal of epic proportions," Klaus hisses. "I thought we had an agreement."

"I think you may have dreamt that up," Rory picks up a teacup of tonic, holding it against his chest. "Drink up, buttercup."

He sniffs, looking away. "I prefer biscuits with my tea,"

Rory scoffs. "You are the fucking worst,"

Klaus ignores her. "Besides, our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells. No, what we experienced was a test—Dahlia's watching to see how we respond to aggression; she's preparing for battle. My guess is sooner, rather than later."

"If that's the case, I feel sorry for her because she has to listen to your dramatic monologues 24/7," Rory comments snidely.

"I am not dramatic,"


Hayley sighs as the former couple begins to bicker once more, pressing her fingers against the side of her head. "Okay!" she interjects as Rory and Klaus begin trying to talk over each other. The two of them pause at the hybrid's interruption. "If she was watching us, she would know that we have our own army."

"She also knows where we are. And, given the immense nature of her power, we simply do not know what to expect from her. What we need is to create a new stronghold, something that Dahlia knows nothing about; a sanctuary from any witchcraft," Elijah adds.

"That's a fine strategy. I offer another—we can use Jackson to trace her magic back to the source. Find out exactly where she is," Freya offers.

Everyone turns to Hayley (hey, it's her husband, not theirs) who looks back at everyone. Her eyes turn to Rory and Klaus, the former of the two raising her thumbs in an approving manner. Klaus simply sniffs and raises an eyebrow snootily. Hayley rolls her eyes, sighing reluctantly.

"Fine," she says. "Do it."

"Good!" Klaus suddenly exclaims. "Then it's settled—off you pop to your respective tasks. Me? I've always been an opinion that the best defence is a good offense. So, I'm going to find a way to murder that godforsaken witch."

"Yay," Rory says in a sombre fashion as she sighs. "Murder."


She doesn't know what to do after everyone's dispersed to do their jobs, so she ends up at Rousseau's once more. She realises that her stay in New Orleans might turn her into an alcoholic, given the amount that she drinks every damn day. She tosses her head back as she downs a shot, wincing slightly at the harsh burn in her throat.

"Hi," Cami says as she settles beside her. Rory startles, turning to face the blonde. "Sorry. Do you mind if I sit? I'm off today."

"Yet you still show up at your workplace? Even when you're not working? That's admirable. Also, kind of sad," Rory responds. "Yeah, take a seat. I haven't seen you around lately."

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