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The three of them took their places and Minho started the track for their intro. Hyunjin had chosen the track, "Silence" by Khalid, just before he and Seungmin came together. It was a point of sadness and desperation for him, but he and Minho had turned it into a catharsis. They began in a chaotic wave of swinging limbs and bending bodies, none of them moving in the same way, reminiscent of the storms in Hyunjin's mind. As the lyrics progressed, their steps unified, smoothing out the chaos into a focus toward the center. Minho and Felix reached toward the sky then arched their bodies toward Hyunjin as he lowered his body to the floor, sweeping his leg around in a grand gesture that ended up with him resting on the floor. As the others bridged backward, moving into their own floor work, Hyunjin lifted his chest, arching up from the floor and reaching forward. The movements were angry and smooth at once. Their faces projected an entire story with their fierce expressions. They punctuated each beat with a pop or a pulse, feathering in the occasional body roll, signifying the peace Hyunjin had been looking for. Minho had helped him link together the violence and peace he was trying to illustrate. Felix had offered the idea of making sure there were always two of them doing the same thing while the other was a focal point, resulting in either two up and one down, or one up and two down. They rotated through the roles, giving each of them an opportunity to shine. The piece was emotionally loud and the perfect way to announce the tumult of the entire performance.

They ran through the piece once more, then through their other two tracks. Even though he'd been gone for a couple of weeks, Hyunjin kept up with the other two, for the most part. Any serious spinning took his head with it, so he had to force himself to spot focus, even with just a single spin. Hyunjin talked to the guys about the possibility of dropping a couple of the spins on his part. He worried he would become dizzy during the performance. Both of the guys agreed that if he had any ideas, to go for it. He had been thinking through the choreography during the hours he would have been practicing and actually doing a little bit of it at home. He was excited and wasn't about to be the reason that his group suffered.

Seungmin showed up after a little over an hour. Hyunjin had enjoyed the time dancing but he was ready to go. He was slightly dizzy and ready to just relax. He was looking forward to a fun and peaceful evening with his friends. They dropped by the house so Hyunjin could shower then drove to Chan's place.

Amy was already there, as were Jeongin and Willow. Amy and Willow were goofing around in the kitchen, opening a bottle of wine and grabbing snacks for the table. Hyunjin took the extra bottle of wine they had brought in to the girls. Chan had set out several board games and cards. Jeongin was busy putting on some music and picking out some movies for them to choose from. He had already piled pillows and blankets in the living room for them to curl up.

They all gathered around the table, playing games, drinking wine, and laughing. Chan and Jeongin were beating everyone mercilessly in Cards About Insanity. Seungmin was complaining about not getting all the jokes. Hyunjin offered to translate for him, which earned an eye-roll and a threat to sleep on the couch. Willow pouted as Jeongin once again passed over her card. "I'm funny!" she yelped.

Seungmin shrugged and muttered, "funny-looking, maybe..." then ducked as Willow chucked a cracker at his head.

"I dIdn'T eVen BrEaTH!" she yelled at him. She shot Jeongin a glare as he fell over laughing. "Aren't you supposed to defend me or something?" she laughed, trying to be serious and mean looking.

Jeongin pulled himself up from the floor and walked over to her, pulling her up out of her chair and hugging her while cooing, "Aw... the wittle baby got her feelers hurt. Bad Seungmin. That's bad." Willow slapped at his chest playfully and giggled.

"Stop, jerk," she fussed. Jeongin just snickered and stole a kiss from her growly lips. The game slowly fell into total chaos and they all moved into the living room with yet another bottle of wine. Jeongin picked out four different films. Three of the guys voted for the thriller film and Amy wanted horror and Willow voted drama. Hyunjin wanted the romcom. The other guys won... thriller it is. Chan started up the movie while Seungmin shut off the lights. Amy claimed a big fluffy chair for her and Chan. Willow and Jeongin took one end of the sofa and Seungmin and Hyunjin curled up on the other end.

Just ten minutes into the movie, Amy was getting tense, causing Chan to laugh at her. Willow alternated between leaning toward the screen and burying herself in Jeongin's chest. Hyunjin tensed up but curled tightly to Seungmin.

Seungmin suddenly grew very concerned and whispered to Hyunjin, "Are you going to be okay watching this?" He suddenly realized that it could leave Hyunjin primed for an awful nightmare.

Hyunjin smiled softly, already a little nervous himself. "You'll just have to take my mind off of it," he whispered back with a smirk.

"Oh, I think I can handle that," Seungmin grinned, nibbling on Hyunjin's earlobe and earning a soft gasp. Hyunjin slipped his hand beneath Seungmin's shirt and began drawing shapes over his skin. Seungmin was never sure what he was drawing, but it didn't matter. It was one of the most soothing sensations he had ever felt. The contact with Seungmin's chest helped Hyunjin calm down. He breathed in deeply, drawing in Seungmin's scent. Seungmin had stopped wearing much cologne because Hyunjin loved the way he smelled naturally. Seungmin decided he'd be perfectly okay with Hyunjin falling asleep instead of watching the movie. He began to stroke his fingers through Hyunjin's hair, humming softly.

"Are you actually trying to put me to sleep?" Hyunjin whispered with a smile.

"What if I am?" Seungmin grinned. He kissed Hyunjin's forehead and held him a little closer. Hyunjin smiled and nuzzled into Seungmin's neck. He kissed the soft skin of Seungmin's throat, causing a soft hum deep in Seungmin's chest. Hyunjin fought the urge to continue kissing his throat so he wouldn't start something they couldn't finish here.

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