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"Then we've got all the time in the world," Leo responded with a grin. "It's getting late though, and I do have to work in the morning, so I should get some sleep at some point tonight. Shall we go?"

Seungmin smiled and nodded, his heart pounding in his chest at the thought that the first guy he showed interest in might actually be interested in him as well. It was wonderful and it was terrifying.

Leo walked Seungmin to his door and stole one more kiss. It was soft and gentle, but Leo was hesitant to pull away. He flicked his tongue over Seungmin's lower lip, causing him to open just enough for the taller man to slip into his mouth. He maintained the gentle pressure and slowly caressed Seungmin's tongue with his own before finally backing away and drawing a deep breath. Seungmin stood, wide-eyed and breathing deeply to calm himself. Leo smiled, loving the effect he had on the other man. He leaned in close, kissed Seungmin on the cheek, and whispered, "Good night, Sexy." He squeezed Seungmin's hand then walked back to the elevator. Seungmin stood against his door and watched until the doors slid closed. He unlocked his door and stepped inside, completely dumbfounded by how he felt. Just at the moment that he was starting to get a handle on his breathing, his phone rang and scared the hell out of him.

"Minnie? Minnie?" Hyunjin asked, his voice full of panic. Seungmin hated to hear the fear in his voice and whispered, "I'm here, Jin. On my way." He walked back out his door and headed up to pull his best friend out of the alcohol-induced panic he had put himself into. He was still a little pissed at Hyunjin for being such an ass that night. He didn't move with his typical speed or panic because he knew that Hyunjin was frightened, but not in danger, and because he knew it was going to hurt to wrap his arms around him, which is what he would do because he needed to protect Hyunjin.

Seungmin felt strange about walking into Hyunjin's apartment that night. He was worried about Hyunjin but also wanted to protect himself. He put his key in the lock and opened the door. As soon as he saw Hyunjin, curled up on the floor, heaving into the trashcan from the alcohol and the fear, all of his hesitation and thoughts for self-preservation vanished. He hurried to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth and then to the kitchen to grab a container of some kind so he could empty the trashcan. He also grabbed a glass of water then came to sit beside Hyunjin on the floor. Seungmin washed over the back of Hyunjin's neck before he even said a word. Hyunjin looked up to him, his eyes red and brimming with tears yet to come. His face was streaked with tears already. Seungmin gently wiped away the tears with the cloth then washed the rest of Hyunjin's face. "It's okay. You're doing good. Breathe, Jin. Just breathe. Slow down," Seungmin whispered, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin. He felt the sobs wracking Hyunjin's body as he fought for control. He felt bad that he didn't get there sooner. He figured that with the amount of alcohol Hyunjin had consumed, passing out, and waking up from a probable nightmare, not understanding how he got there... Hyunjin had flown into full panic attack before he could even register that he should call Seungmin. He stroked Hyunjin's hair back as he cried, but he was clinging to Seungmin so tightly that it worried him. Seungmin rocked him slowly and whispered "Shhhh, it's okay. Hyunjin, breathe. Shhh. I'm here. Jinnie, you're okay."

"D-don't leave m-me. D-don't. Don't l-leave. Don't. P-p-please, M-minnie, please," Hyunjin cried as he pulled at Seungmin's shirt, almost like he thought the other might disappear.

"I'm not going anywhere, Jinnie. I'm here," Seungmin whispered. He pulled Hyunjin's head to his chest and held him tightly, beginning to tear up himself because of his inability to bring Hyunjin any peace. "Jinnie, what happened? What did you dream?" he asked gently, not expecting an answer. He was more asking out of frustration.

"You lef-left m-me. Y-you s-said you hate-hate m-me and y-you left m-me," he sobbed.

Seungmin clenched him tighter and whispered, "I won't. You know I could never hate you. You're my best friend. I... You're too important to me." He kept repeating those words until Hyunjin finally began to calm. "I'm here. You're okay. That's it. Breathe with me. Slow. Good."

Hyunjin finally found a rhythm in his breathing and relaxed his grip on Seungmin. "I'm s-sorry," he whispered, his words still catching in his chest every few breaths.

"Shh. Don't say that. I told you I'd be here, and I will," Seungmin breathed as he held onto him. Slowly, he pulled Hyunjin to his feet and had him sit on the edge of the bed. He went to the dresser and grabbed a tee shirt and some shorts then walked back to Hyunjin. "Come on. Let's get you changed so you can get some sleep," he said softly. Seungmin helped him undress, first unbuttoning Hyunjin's shirt and sliding it down his arms. He slipped the tee-shirt over Hyunjin's head and then Hyunjin slid his arms through. He laid the shorts on the bed beside him and asked, "Can you change your pants while I go get dressed?" Hyunjin nodded and began changing while Seungmin walked to the bathroom to change into another shirt and a pair of sweats from Hyunjin's dresser. After he changed, Seungmin emptied and washed out the trash can then rinsed out the washcloth and grabbed another. This time he made it warmer. He brought it back to the bedroom and sat in bed next to Hyunjin. He wiped down Hyunjin's face and neck, including the back of his neck. He ran it over Hyunjin's arms just to freshen him up and help him cool off.

Hyunjin watched as Seungmin took care of him, grateful to have someone who didn't judge him and understood the fear. Seungmin hung the washcloth over the edge of the hamper then came back and laid down. He motioned for Hyunjin to lay down then pulled him close, holding him tightly and stroking his hair. He soon felt the weight against his body and the slowed breathing that told him Hyunjin had finally relaxed and fallen asleep. Seungmin could barely keep his eyes open, so he nuzzled close enough to be able to inhale Hyunjin's scent, tormenting himself, and went to sleep. 

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