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The next morning, Seungmin's phone rang early. He jerked awake and flipped over, grabbing for his phone. He answered in a panic to keep it from waking Hyunjin. "Hello?" he answered quietly.

"Hey, sexy. Sorry it's so early. I'm about to get really busy, but I was wondering if you'd want to meet up for lunch?" Leo asked, entirely too chipper for that time of the morning.

"Um, yeah, sure. What time?" Seungmin asked in a hushed tone.

"Why are you whispering?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"Hyunjin got really, really sick last night and I had to come help him. I fell asleep here and he's still asleep. I don't want to wake him up yet. It was rough last night," Seungmin explained. He didn't need to tell everything he knew, but also didn't want to lie to Leo.

"So, you just slept over at another guy's house?" Leo asked, a slight edge to his voice. Seungmin rose from the bed and walked into the living room, pulling the bedroom door closed.

"Yeah. My best friend since I started high school. He was sick. He needed help. Don't make this something it's not," Seungmin stated. He wanted this to be as clear as crystal that he wouldn't be made to feel guilty for taking care of his best friend.

"Okay... Sorry. It just threw me off. I get it. Did you have to drive over there?" Leo asked.

"We live in the same building. He's a couple of floors up," Seungmin explained, settling into the couch.

"Hmm. Okay," Leo responded. "So, lunch?" He had become a little colder since the conversation began.

Seungmin sighed at his coolness and answered, "Yes. What time, and where should I meet you?"

Leo hesitated and responded, "We'll get some sushi. Meet me at that little place on the corner by your apartment. I'll be there at 1."

"Okay," Seungmin answered quietly. He felt frustrated, but also wondered if Leo was right to be annoyed. How would he feel if Leo had slept at another guy's house? But Hyunjin wasn't just another guy. This was his best friend, who wasn't gay. Or at least, wasn't interested in him.

Leo hung up the phone after a quick "See you later." Seungmin laid his phone on the couch and dropped his head back. He heard the bedroom door open and heard Hyunjin's shuffling steps.

"Who's calling... so early?" Hyunjin asked, his words interrupted with a yawn and a stretch that Seungmin found adorable.

"Leo. Wants me to go to lunch," Seungmin told him.

"Oh no...Oh no! Oh no!" Hyunjin exclaimed suddenly. Seungmin looked to him curiously and waited for an explanation, since he'd obviously remembered something. "Maria! If I passed out, oh shit. She's going to be pissed!" Hyunjin facepalmed and Seungmin couldn't help laughing a little.

"Did you read Felix's note?" Seungmin asked. It was Hyunjin's turn to be confused. He started looking around then looked back at Seungmin. "It's on your bedside table," he snickered. Hyunjin bolted into the bedroom and found the note.

"Hey stupid. Your dumb ass passed out. I had to drive you home and carry you like a bag of potatoes onto the elevator then lug your heavy ass into your apartment. I let your dog out too. Maria is drunk, but we'll get her home. Don't puke in your bed. -Lix"

"Holy shit... Felix brought me home? I don't remember anything. I must have passed out hard. I remember talking to Isa in the hallway, but then I woke up here," Hyunjin grumbled. He held his head in both hands to try to stop the throbbing. Seungmin went to the kitchen to get him some aspirin and a glass of water. He started a couple slices of toast, too, just so Hyunjin would have something in his stomach with the medicine. Hyunjin watched him do all of this without a word and when Seungmin returned, he asked, "Why do you take care of me like you do?"

Seungmin looked a little shocked by the question. "Just, I just do. Somebody's got to take care of your goofy ass," he answered, poking Hyunjin in the ribs.

Hyunjin grinned but then looked at him and softly said, "Thank you, Seungmin. I don't think I say that enough."

Seungmin grinned and nodded, "You're welcome, Hyunjin."


After Seungmin went home, Hyunjin picked up the phone and called Maria. He knew it wasn't going to go well.

"Hello?" she answered, still a little sleepy.

"Hey. I am so sorry about last night. I don't know what the hell happened to me or why I got like I did. I never drink like that. I left you in a bad spot and I'm sorry," he rambled in one big breath.

Maria hesitated, thinking over what she wanted to say. She had been angry, but Minho and Jisung had calmed her down. They had gotten a late(early?) breakfast at a waffle house and then taken her home. She wasn't sure what triggered the change, but there was definitely something that happened that sent Hyunjin reeling. "It's okay. I don't know what happened, but something got you really upset. I just hope it wasn't me. I know I drank too much, as well. How about we try it again, but without 14 of your closest friends?" she asked with a grin.

"I can't believe you even want to talk to me after that, but if you're willing to give it another shot, I'd really like that," Hyunjin answered. "Today, however, I have one hell of a hangover, so I'm going back to bed. Pretty sure Felix banged me into a wall when he brought me home," he chuckled.

Maria laughed and told him to get some rest. Hyunjin decided he'd wait until tomorrow to try to set up another date. He wanted some time to think about what set him off and he wanted to give Maria some time to forget how he acted.


Seungmin met Leo at the sushi bar near his apartment. Leo showed up with a small bouquet of wildflowers. Seungmin was surprised when Leo handed them to him and quietly apologized, "I'm sorry for being a dick this morning. You said he was sick and needed help. He's lucky to have a friend like you. Forgive me?"

Seungmin smiled and nodded, his faith in Leo restored. He really didn't want to have to choose between them. Not yet. He knew if this relationship grew, there would be a day when one or the other of them would come first when they both needed him. That day was going to hurt like a mother no matter who he chose.

They ate lunch and chatted about the evening. Leo asked if he could take Seungmin out to dinner on his night off. He knew Seungmin was off on Wednesday because that was the only day he didn't go have a soda or a cocktail at the restaurant after work. Seungmin agreed and they soon parted ways. Leo kissed him softly and Seungmin wrapped his arms around Leo's waist. He watched Leo get into his car and head back to work, and he headed to his apartment to get ready for his own job.

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