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Hyunjin and Maria had talked every day, and they had lunch on Wednesday and then again on Friday. He asked if she'd like to come to the club with him and his friends on Saturday, since she was doing so much better on her ankle. She happily agreed and so it was set that the entire massive group would be taking over their corner of the club. Saturday finally rolled around and Hyunjin was feeling a lot less excited than he usually did when the whole group was going out. He was happy that he'd get to hang out with Maria, and that she'd get to meet some of his other friends. He really wasn't looking forward to meeting Leo, but just because he was the kind of guy that pestered a host until he got his number. One last look in the mirror and he headed out the door.

The Chan and Felix foursome was first to arrive, securing the big booth and a couple of tables in the corner for the group. Jeongin and his date followed. She was a little shy, so he didn't put her on the spot by introducing her to everyone at once. She had met Chan and Amy at the house once when she and Jeongin had a movie night. He introduced her to Felix and Isa and promised not to play show and tell with her to the rest of the group. The rest found their way, two by two until the whole crew was there. Last to arrive were Seungmin and Leo. Before they got there, Hyunjin had a chance to introduce Maria to the group. Ayako had gotten to know Isa and Amy a bit through the last couple of weeks and she and Changbin were getting along great. Seungmin led Leo to the group and was met with the usual round of energetic hellos. Leo didn't wait for Seungmin to introduce him and began to introduce himself to the group. When he got to Hyunjin, Leo noticed the man bristled a bit as he reached to shake Hyunjin's hand. Hyunjin accepted it and smiled, but there was definitely something there that threw Leo off. Hyunjin plainly forgot to introduce Maria to Seungmin and just grabbed her hand, leading her out to the dance floor and away from the group.

As they were dancing, he noticed that she was going pretty easy, so he pulled her close and asked, "Are you okay? Is it hurting again?"

She smiled and nodded, "Just a bit. I'll be fine.

Hyunjin pouted at her and she couldn't help but coo over the cuteness of it. "Oh my God, no...don't do that!" she giggled. His bright smile reappeared instantly as they continued to slowly sway, totally mismatching the music.

The whole group spent the evening on the dance floor. Changbin noticed that Ayako seemed a little off and asked her what was wrong. She grinned and answered, "Binnie, don't get me wrong. I'm glad Hyunjin and I didn't hit it off, but I'm confused. I thought it was because he was into guys..."

Changbin nodded in understanding. Rejection sucks, especially when the reason doesn't make sense. He got it. He loved that she was comfortable enough with him to just tell him what was wrong. He explained, "He doesn't know what he wants. He doesn't want to be gay, but Seungmin gets under his skin. It happened tonight when Leo introduced himself." He chuckled and added, "I've spent probably an unhealthy amount of time watching these two. It's like having my own private K-drama."

Ayako laughed at his admission and focused her attention back where it needed to be, on her Binnie. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his arms snake around her waist. The music slowed a bit and she nuzzled into his neck as he pulled her close. He tilted his head, getting his lips close to her ear and whispered, "I know it hasn't been long, but would you be my girl? Just mine?" She drew back from his neck and smiled.

"Yes, Binnie," she giggled and curled back into him. The smile on Changbin's face was so bright it drew Seungmin's attention while he and Leo danced next to them.

"Ooh...what just happened there?" Seungmin asked playfully.

"Binnie's my boyfriend now, so back off Seungmin," she giggled. Seungmin held his hands up in defeat and surrender and laughed.

The group laughed and goofed around with each other all night. Seungmin noticed that Hyunjin was drinking a little more than he usually would. Maria had quite a few drinks, too, and Seungmin was starting to get worried about how they would get home. He tried to slow Hyunjin down a bit, but he only succeeded in coming off like an overprotective parent and pissing Hyunjin off, which sent him back to the bar. He was being such a jerk that Seungmin began to get angry with him and just walked away. The only words they had spoken to each other that night had been curt and angry. It wasn't like them at all, and everyone was starting to notice. Hyunjin was becoming a little rude with everyone and starting to really irritate several of the group. Isa finally approached Hyunjin, as she was the least likely to get punched. She took his hand and dragged him off the floor and out into the hall.

"Hey," she asked, leaning on the cool wall next to him, "What's going on with you tonight? You doing okay?"

"I'm FINE!" He yelled, knocking himself off balance and stumbling to the side a little. "Why ish e'ryone so fuckin' in my face?"

"Because you're not fine, Hyunjin," she answered gently, disregarding his anger. She knew him well enough now to know that if she stayed cool, he'd diffuse.

"I'm am though. I'm jusht fffffine. Seugninmin is fine. Leotard ish fine. Ev'rybody'sh fine," he slurred. His anger was evident in every statement. Isa took a chance and just hugged him.

"Hyunjin, you're not fine. Did Seungminnie say something that hurt you?" she asked as she held on to him.

He feebly tried to fight her off, worried he would actually hurt her if he tried too hard. Finally, he broke. She felt his resistance fade and heard his breath catching as he began to sob.

"Tell me what happened," she whispered.

"I don't know. I'm jush mad at him. I hate Leo. He's just a big ssstupid jerk and he's gonna hurt my Shuginiminnie," Hyunjin babbled.

Isa suddenly understood what even Hyunjin didn't. "Hyunjin, what about Maria? You like her, right?" she tested her theory.

"I guess. I mean yes. I do. But. I don't know what's going on. I don't understand," he cried.

Isa could hear the frustration in his words and feel it in his body. Now wasn't the time to tell him what she thought, but she knew it would need to happen soon. She had talked to Seungmin about Leo and he really liked this guy. He was trying to let go of Hyunjin. He was tired of hurting. Seeing Hyunjin so upset over him made her knowledge that much harder to bear. 

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