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A loud groan escaped my lips as I furiously slapped at the wailing alarm clock that sat upon my bedside locker.

Billy and I had stayed at the parking lot until late and I didn't get home until even later, and now it was early. So fucking early.

With a begrudging sigh I crawled out of bed and began to dress myself, or rather, undress as I had slept in my clothes from yesterday. I let out a half sigh half laugh when I peeled off my shorts, realising I must have left my bikini bottoms in the backseat of Billy's car. Fantastic.

I tidied up my room and went over our conversation from last night. The last of the excitement flowed through my body as I made an attempt to tame my unruly hair. Once I had thrown on a clean pair of shorts and my branded work t-shirt, I skipped down stairs.

I could already feel the sun on my skin through the window as I moved across the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I had hoped that today wouldn't be as hot as yesterday, but it was summer, in Hawkins, so who was I kidding? Besides, California is going to be way hotter so I'd better get used to it. After standing in the kitchen for longer than necessary, I set down my now empty mug, grabbed my sunnies and headed out the door.

Once I was seated in what felt like an oven with wheels, I waved through my driver's window at the old woman watering her plants across the street before pressing my foot to the gas and taking off towards the centre of town.

It was surprisingly quiet downtown as I pulled up outside the kennels. I slowly got out of my car and moved myself so I was leant against the front of the building. You would think that since it was summer that the place would be packed, but then again I suppose Starcourt is more captivating to some people.

I sighed and fished out a packet of cigarettes from my back pocket and quickly lit one up. Time seemed to slow down as I stood alone on the quiet street. If it wasn't for the discarded garbage and the alarming amount of rats running around, I could even go as far as to say it was peaceful.

Just as I was about to take the last draw of my cigarette, A beat up Ford LTD swerved around the corner and hurtled down the street, only to swiftly stop in front of Hawkins' post.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud as both Jonathan and Nancy jumped out. "You guys in a rush?" I called over to them. I heard Jonathan laugh in response and received a small wave from Nancy before they both disappeared inside the building.

I took that as my queue to go inside as well so I snubbed out the cigarette and turned to open the pound's door. The welcome bell's chime filled my ears as I walked into the foyer. "Good morning Mr. Scott." I smiled at the prehistoric looking man who was seated behind the front desk.

"Hello Evie." He nodded. Just as I was about to walk passed him to enter the back room, I paused.

"Hey, is it alright if I bring someone along after lunch to help out with the animals?" He turned to me and I subtly fluttered my eyelashes after noticing the hesitant look in his eye.

"I suppose that's alright, after all, many hands do make light work." He let out a soft chuckle and I mimicked it in response.

"Thank you." I smiled at him before continuing into the back room. That man was going to drive me crazy with his old person analogies.

As soon as I opened the back room door I was instantly bombarded with barks and hisses from the animals. "Good morning everyone." I unhooked the keys that hung just beside the light switch with one hand and grabbed the bag of kibble with the other. I quickly made my way over to the dog side of the room and unlocked the first cage. "Hey Tucker how's it going?" I smiled to the slightly greying chocolate lab before filling his empty bowl back up with food. He instantly hovered over to it and began eating. "You're welcome." I chuckled as I have him a small pat and then left the cage.

A sigh escaped my lips once I was finally finished feeding all of the dogs. I wiped a small bead of sweat from my head and moved on to the cat's side. I stepped into the first cage and was happily greeted by a small black and white tabby pawing at my shoes. "Hey Cleo." I leant down and rubbed under her chin before filling up her bowl.

A total of twenty seven cages later, and I was finally finished. As I wiped a small bead of sweat from my brow I took a quick glance at the clock and relief washed over me.

I managed to tidy everything up in record time before leaving the backroom and exiting the building.

Jump' by Van Galen had just started playing as I pulled up outside Billy's house. Once I noticed there were no cars parked outside, I didn't hesitate to beep my horn a few times to let Max know I was here. It took a few seconds, but soon enough, the red headed girl swung open the front door and came bouncing down the path.

"Hey firecracker." A smile was plastered on her face as she got into the passenger side of my car.

"Hey Evie." She grinned.

We grabbed lunch downtown before going back to the pound, and Max's face was a picture when we entered the back room.

"I've always wanted a dog." She said in awe as she looked at all the cages.

"Well," I unhooked a few leashes from the rack and handed them to her, "there's plenty that need a good home."

"I know," she followed me over to the dog's side and watched as I unlatched a few of the cages, "but I'd never be allowed."

I imagined Neil's reaction if Max returned home with a puppy, and it wasn't pretty. He'd lose his fucking mind. For a brief second I imagined him getting his face bitten off by a rottweiler and had to surpress a smile as a small wave of amusement washed over me. "Then it's a good job I need plenty of help with these guys."

She just smiled in response and clipped her leashes to a Boxer and a Labrador. "Rocky and Daisy," I pointed to each of the dogs, "good choice."

I grabbed two Jack Russell's from their shared cage and lead Max out the door and into the foyer. "We won't be too long Mr. Scott." I called over my shoulder and the elderly man just waved in response.

We walked through the hot Hawkins streets and took a number of back roads that were all connected and which looped back towards town. I tend to take as long as humanly possible when taking the dogs for a walk as it means by the time I get back to Mr. Scott, my shift's basically done.

"That was great," Max said as she dumped a small bag of dog shit into a trashcan. She wiped her sweaty pams on her pants before motioning towards the can, "well, maybe not that."

"Everybody shits Max." I grinned before pulling the dogs towards the store.

"Yeah, but two bags each? How much do you feed these things?"

𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒔 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [2]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα