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Ship: Muke

TW: Fighting

Luke's P.O.V

I was leaving my history class when I saw Calum running up to me. I stopped and he said "Luke, Luke, I think Michael's about to get in another fight" 

He grabbed my hand and we started jogging to wherever Michael was.

He was over in the English hall, it wasn't hard to find him because you could hear him and the other person yelling. When we turned the corner we saw the other person was Kevin, he's been bullying me for over a year now but ever since I started dating Michael it's only gotten worse.

"SAY THAT AGAIN YOU PIECE OF SHIT" Michael screamed. When Kevin said nothing Michael pinned him up again the lockers and said "SAY IT AGAIN AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS" " Your boyfriend is disgusting and if he killed himself nobody would care except for maybe you" Kevin said calmly.

Everything had happened so fast, Michael then began to punch him in the face, he threw him to the ground and began to kick and punch some more. Kevin was fighting back, scratching Michael's face and kicking him in the balls but that just made Michael fight harder.

Kevin's face was beginning to get bloody and Kevin was slowly not fighting back as much. Luckly Ashton ran over and tried to pull him off of Kevin but it wasn't working."MICHAEL ENOUGH" Ashton screamed. He then yanked him off of Kevin and carried him to the bathroom.

I looked at Kevin and his face was badly beaten, probably had a broken nose, i would've stayed longer but I had to check on Michael.

Me and Calum rushed to the bathroom and see Michael on the ground, leaning against the wall. His lip was bleeding and he had a scratch mark on his cheek but he was mostly unharmed. "Michael, what happened?" I asked quietly

"He was talking shit Luke, he was saying all these horrible things about you and I had enough, so I beat him up" he said "beat him up? Mike you nearly killed him" Ashton said.

I slowly sat on the ground next to Michael and took his hand in mine. "You didn't have to do this for me, there were other ways of fixing the problem" I said
"But he was-" "But nothing Michael, stop getting in fights because of me" I said interrupting him and he sighed "I'll try"

A/N: Wow an actual story for once? Crazy I know. This isn't that great but it's bc I just wrote it so I could put a story out but I hope you enjoyed. Make sure to vote and comment a suggestion for a oneshot!

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