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Requested by sooouuummm

Ship: Mashton

TW: poison¿

Michael's P.O.V

"You got the portable chargers right?"  Luke asked "Yes Luke we have everything we need" Ashton confirmed, we were going to see Blink-182 live and Luke was overreacting. "Luke, we're fine, we've been to multiple concerts, why are you worried about this one?"  Calum asked 

"I don't know, i just feel like something bad is gonna happen" Luke said 

Time Skip to the concert

We got to the concert and we were screaming the lyrics to the songs at the top of our lungs. When the song was over i got up from my seat and went to the bathroom. While on the way there i bumped into a girl. "Oh shoot, my bad"  "It's fine, i'm Ashlyn"  she said , she had brown hair and blue eyes, slim figure, and a pale complication. 

"Michael" I replied. "I just wanted to tell you, you're really hot"  She said. I smiled awkwardly trying to think of a way to reject her nicely. "Thank you, i'm flattered but i actually have a boyfriend" I said nicely. Her face fell, i could tell she was angry but she smiled and laughed "oh, i didn't know you were gay, that's fine. I'm gonna go grab a drink, do you want one" She asked "Umm, i dont know"  i laughed. "Come on, it's a free drink from a possibly new friend"  She added. "Fine, get me a coke" I said. She nodded and walked over to the drink area.

Ashton soon after walked over to me and asked who i was talking with. "It was this girl that thought i was cute, she got upset that i turned her down though" I told him. Ashlyn returned not too long after that and handed me my drink and i thanked her before taking a sip. "Ashlyn, this is my boyfriend, Ashton"  i said pointing over to him. They shook hands and i swear i saw her give him a death stare. "Nice to meet you Ashton"  She said, i heard her phone go off and she looked at her phone and sighed. "My friend wants me to go back to where we were sitting, said she's getting lonely" She said sadly. "Oh, we should probably get back to our friends too, do you wanna exchange numbers or anything since you wanted to be friends"  i asked politely, taking another swig of my drink. "I'm moving soon so i don't think our friendship would last" She said 

"oh okay, take care"  I said walking back to my seats.

-time skip-

The last song of the concert was playing and i wasn't feeling all that great. My head hurt like a bitch and my stomach was churning.

When we all were walking back to the car everything just started spinning. "Mike, you good you're going green" Calum said. before i could say anything i threw up all over the street. "Woah, woah. Ash!"  Luke yelled.  Ashton, who was a little bit ahead of us, turned around and quickly rushed over to us. "Babe, baby, are you okay?"  He asked quietly. "D-dizzy" I mumbled "okay, okay, let's get you home, you'll be okay soon" He said quietly, picking me up and started walking to the car.

They all helped me into the car, laying me in the back. I felt awful, my stomach was churning and cramping like a motherfucker, my head was pounding and i was pretty sure i was gonna end up passing out. "d-do we have a b-bucket?"  i slurred. Calum quickly grabbed a bucket we had in the trunk and placed it between my legs, I immediately leaned over the bucket and started projectile vomiting. The pain in my stomach was just unbearable, I began to cry from the pain because it hurt so bad which made me gag harder and vomit more.

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