After lilly went upstairs ,I talked with Marco for awhile.

"So did you read the letter?" I ask him hesitantly.

"Yeah I did " he says quietly.

"Okay" I say .

"You know if you need to talk about anything you can tell me right?" I say .

"You know that's supposed to be the other way around bearing in mind that I'm older " he says jokingly.

"Hey I'm bigger than you think " I say with a chuckle.

"Thank you Bella "

"Anytime , so I've got to get ready now , I have a date!" I say with a smile.

"Woah ,should I be worried and all protective ?" he says seriously.

"No no , mom knows him and he's really nice you'll see when you meet him"

"Okay when will you come home?"

"Around 10 maybe?"

"Okay 10 it is " he says.

As I go upstairs to lilly I smile , I like how Marco and I are already getting along and I'm trying my best to make him feel comfortable.

I open the door and find lilly throwing out everything from my closet.

"Lilly why " I say sadly.

"I have to clean up the room before I go out"

"It's your fault , why don't you have any cute causal dresses here ?" She says .

"I only wear dresses when there's an occasion ." I say taking a seat on my bed.

"Bells honey, a girl should own a dress that's every girl's secret weapon " she says .

"But art said to wear something comfy " I say.

"Hmm , okay then"
She takes another round of flying a few of my clothes.

"So.." Lilly says as she takes a black turtle neck with long sleeves and a high denim trousers with a light brown long coat that reaches till my knees.

"I know , it's a lot to take in but he really is my brother " I say.

"It's just .. he's just .. so wow " she says taking a seat beside me.

"Are you crushing on my brother Lilly?" I say sarcastically and trying to sound offensive.

"Stop it " she says pushing me and rolls her eyes.

"Okay okay" I say in surrender.

"But how are you? How do you feel about this?" She says .

"I was a little lost but when I got to understand , I think It's nice to have a sibling , than to be a lonely child" I say.

"Yeah that's why Tyler is a pain in the ass" she snickers and I laugh.

"I better get dressed because art texted me he's coming in an hour " I say taking the clothes .

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