13. Can't They just Stop?

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Moments after Riolu learnt Focus Punch, the earth shook. Literally. I looked around for a Pokemon who could do that but found none. Screams outside indicated something was not right as usual.

Charmeleon and Luxio had already got out. When I opened the doors, it was NOT something good.

The mall was emitting black smoke from the top floor. A smoke bomb or SmokeScreen. The black coat I had seen in the mall flashed up. Team Black again, to get a rough beating from Chuck (and me!)

The Gym Leader was already inside as I bolted towards the mall. Then something struck me, wasn't Tiyana inside? The pace automatically quickened as worries flowed inside my head.

The river of people trying to flee made it hard to get inside. The insane amount of screams and shouts made my ears hurt. I was pretty sure nothing was bombed, so why are they panicking like crazy?

Once the near impossible task was complete, I took the stairs. From the dimness inside, Electricity was probably cut off. When I reached the first floor where I had last seen Tiyana, there was Chuck battling three grunts. He felt me approach and said, " Tyler! Good timing as always. Go on ahead. The Team is trying some crazy stunts here! Go Machamp! "

The PA systems blared, " Citizens of Cianwood City! " The voice felt oddly familiar, " We, the amazing members of the great Team Black have come here today to free your Pokemon from their miserable lives! "

I could here the noise outside through the shattered glass. The PA continued, " You make your Pokemon suffer a lot. We have been spying on you since day one! Day by day, the Pokemon grow tired of you masters trying to impose your will upon them. WE, the great Team Black will free them and instead, train them to achieve a greater cause for humanity! Just like tools are used, Pokemon can be used to cleanse the world! We will-- Ack!!! "

A sound in the background indicated the blasting of something. Guess what? It was me who caused the blast. A good Focus Punch on the door of the Security Official revealed Kevin, the guy I had fought back in Rezmond Cave. Now I had a clear look on him. Medium trimmed silver hair, three skull badges on the shoulder pads, the obvious black coat with red decals and the Team Black symbol on the chest pocket. He was surprisingly young, not more than twenty-five, silver eyes and a creepy expression.

Kevin laughed, " Well, well, well! Look who we have here! It's none other than the kid I fought not so long ago! How are things? "

" Don't act formal, what was your name again? "

He smiled, " Don't act as if you forgot that. "

That was a red-handed capture. How did he know I remember his name? Riolu shook his head. "Yeah whatevs Kevin. What brings you here? A nice Mega Punch should end it all. "

" Haha. You already know. Liberation! Liberty to Pokemon for joining us to achieve our goals! "

" And what might that be? World dominion? "

His smile looked oddly sweet. "Won't that be repititive? Others have already tried and failed. What we want is close to world dominion. Control over every single Pokemon on this Planet! "

I asked cynically, " So how can that 'goal' be achieved if you attack a mall? "

" To reach our aim, we need a lot more Pokemon. Pokemon who- "

" Can't you just catch them? You guys are endless in number. "

He laughed sinisterly. " You are a walking questionaire aren't you? Very well, let's leave it at, there's no time. "

I raised my eyebrow. Kevin continued, " To catch new Pokemon and to train them is quite a long process. We want pre-trained ones to execute our missions. The more powerful they are, the better. Should that solve your questions? "

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