I don't give her a chance to come back at me. I just shove past her, gripping my dad's hoodie and run down the stairs.

My words were harsh but I don't feel guilty. She's wronged me too many times to try and make it right. I've grown accustomed to not having her in my life and I've found that that's how I prefer things.

All she does is cause chaos wherever she goes and I'm tired of it. Her first day back and she tried hooking up with Mason. I saw the entire thing and she never stopped to clarify that it wasn't me. She never asked him who he was or how we know each other because she didn't care.

She saw the opportunity to ruin me and she took it.

If Mason was my boyfriend then it would've been history repeating itself. Although Mason and I are just friends, she didn't know that at the time. But she still could've sabotaged our friendship by coming onto him like that.

What if I didn't catch them in the act? What if Mason left after she did that? Then next time that he saw me he'd have the idea that I'm into him because as far as he knows I tried to kiss him on my couch!

But she didn't care about any of that because Laila only cares about what Laila wants. She's selfish and manipulative.

That's why I'm not letting her back in my life. And that's why she's not forgiven.

I can move past all of the terrible things she's done to me but no amount of heartfelt apologies will convince me that she's really sorry. She doesn't feel for others, only herself.

"I've got your hoodie back, daddy." I place it in his palm and he chuckles.

I don't even think he knows I took it. But on the bright side, at least I'm returning it.

"Thanks," he pulls me in for a hug, "I'm glad I finally got it back. Too bad it's hot outside and I've no longer got a use for it."

I roll my eyes and my mom walks out to make sure everyone's ready to go.

She hugs Laila and dad before shooing them outside so they won't be late for their flight back home.

Mom's got to drive them to the airport, but then it'll just be me and her again. The house will feel so empty now that I'm used to two other people living with me.

The three of them leave and I would go too except I'm going camping. I'm going camping!

I've seen it on movies before, they normally all end up dead by a bear or something but I'm still overjoyed with the idea of camping. I just don't want to sleep outside because mosquitoes suck, but if that's what we're doing then so be it.

I'm going for the experience and I won't be complaining about anything!

My phone dings and I hurry over to read the message: I'll be there to pick you up at 2. You don't need to worry about bringing supplies, I've got it all covered. Just bring your basic necessities.

Sounds good. I can do that.

I go upstairs and begin packing my bag. Toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, socks, underwear, clothes, pajamas, lotion, sunscreen.. etc.

Knowing Trace, he'll forget something as basic as underwear. I shoot him a quick text message with a list of all the things he should pack.

I get a text back: I forgot to pack a toothbrush. That was my bad. Thanks for the list.

I laugh.

My mom comes back home just as I'm putting my last item in the bag.

I zip up the giant bag and make my way downstairs. She's unloading the dishes, I walk over to help.

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