I groaned and switched cheeks they were pressed to the desk, the wood getting damp from my breath. I needed to call my aunt and uncle, well, I'll see them tomorrow I guess. I sighed before closing my eyes, I texted each guest that was from the club, and they all agreed to keep things quiet as far as knowing me, for Naruto's sake.

That was my only true concern, I wasn't worried about the servers or ushers, they were all trained and well versed in ethics and etiquette. The band was fine, recommenced by Obito and Itachi both. The women I hired, they wanted to make money, so they'd behave for sure. Sasuke handled the silent auction, so I wasn't really worried about that either. I was going to be at the mansion all day, so set up was fine too. I groaned again.

"That bad?" The voice had me jolt up, the smiling Uchiha faltered slightly at seeing the state I was in. "Guess so." He mused as he sat down.

"Just tired, and stressed. After tomorrow, it'll be fine."

"Obito said you had a date, anyone I know?" Shisui asked.

"My friend Zabuza."

"Ah, explains Obito's sour mood."

"He has a date." I sat back in my chair.

"Doesn't mean he didn't want to go with you." Shisui replied.

"He never asked, so, going based off actions speaking louder than words, he didn't want me to go with him."

"You have a point." Shisui shrugged. "Doesn't matter, you'll still be the most beautiful woman there."

"Shut up." I giggled.

"There's that smile." Shisui smiled wider.

"Will you come with me to the mansion in the morning?"

"Do you need me to?"

"I want you to. Plus, Zabuza might feel a little out of place with a bunch of women."

"I doubt that." Shisui laughed. "But yea, I can head over with you. What time?"

"I have to be there at 9."

"Only for you will I get up early on my day off."

"Thanks, Shi."

"Of course, gorgeous. I'll let you get back to work."

I gave him a smile and nod and he walked back to his office, or so I assumed. I looked back at the clock and noticed it was almost 4pm. Screw it. I started packing my bag and locked up my office.

"Leaving early?"

I whirled around and tried to not look so shocked to see Madara standing before me. "Yes, my date is driving in from Kiri, and I'm meeting him at the penthouse." No need to lie. Right?

Madara hummed lightly, then stepped closer to me. "It will be hard seeing you on someone else's arm, especially in that devilish dress."

I swear that I swayed hearing him speak. Come on, suck it up, you can play this game. I cocked my head slightly, and blinked in innocence, "I can wear another, there were a couple of extras delivered to the mansion."

Madara lifted his arm and his hand held my waist as he moved even closer. "Nonsense." His face remained stern, but I saw the fire in his eyes, "I'll be stealing you for a dance at the least, and I'll enjoy feeling your body against mine again." Fuck! The man kissed me, so full of desire I thought I might yank my own clothes off. In the middle of the office, anyone could walk around the corner, he was kissing me.

"Madara." The voice was low, threatening and dripping venom. Madara reluctantly let go and I took a step back, wiping my mouth as I did. I cut my eyes up to see him glaring at his nephew, waiting for an explanation. "You're needed in Shisui's office."

Madara lifted my chin with a single finger and I found I was extremely terrified at the moment. "I'll see you tomorrow." I only nodded as he stepped around me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, begging for the tears to hold, as much as I pleaded with whatever god there was for him to walk away with out question.

"Asami?" His breath was hot on my exposed neck, I had worn my hair up, not wanting to deal with it today.

"Don't, please." I whispered.

I still had my eyes closed, so I didn't know what to expect, but when I felt his hand in mine, my eyes shot open. He was dragging me to the elevators and ushered me in, staying quiet. The entire ride down and walk to the parking garage, he didn't say a word. It wasn't until I pressed against the side of my car that he finally spoke.

"You should run and never look back."

The Uchiha Corp (Modern Naruto: Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now