Chapter 16

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Taehyung watched as his blood slowly started to drip on the floor. They were out numbered.
In other words there was no way they could win. He had managed to escape the guards who had captured him, his brother and mother were safe but the other including him were not.

" Park Taehyung - Or should I say Kim Taehyung...such a shame your father left you and I'm
Not surprised he did " The Aliana guard spat.

" I'm glad he did " Taehyung scoffed raising his sword against the guards throat and slitting it before he could say another word. that was too easy and Taehyung knew that meant that something was wrong.

" That's Enough ! Stop angering him - we are loosing men " one of the older guards commanded.

" And I'm loosing my patients - what is your purpose here ? " Kim Namjoon one of Prince Jin's
Most trusted and closest guard Questioned.

" We have orders boy...and the first one would be to kill the third prince - Park Jihyun "

" over my dead body " Taehyung spoke filled with anger.

Taehyung gritted his teeth , they Wanted to kill a small boy for no reason. Taehyung knew Jihyun
Was currently roaming around the castle with a guard of Course but he definitely wasn't safe.

" Well then Captain now about you deal with him ? He's your son after all "




" ...Come here little boy - I don't wanna hurt you - " A guard grinned.

The six year old held back his tears and clenched a tiny dagger he had in his hand.

" ...You can't escape ! Who will save you - "

The man then found himself on the floor. Someone had knocked him down. Not just someone
The king of Busan.

" YOU - won't get away " the man yelled as the guards of Seoul dragged him away.

" Kookie Hyung! " The little boy exclaimed hugging him tightly.

" You run straight up to your room and stay There until I say so okay ? " Jungkook Told The little boy.

He nodded and ran into his room. He covered his ears to drown the noise of the screams and shouts that filled the palace.




" ...tch such a ungrateful son you have ! You gave him so much " One guard scoffed.

WHO care about me - " Taehyung yelled angrily.

" Taehyung - forget him he's worthless , stop wasting your time talking to him "

" Jungkook! " Taehyung exclaimed brightly. If Jungkook was here that meant Yoongi Hyung was fine.

" ...While your here my men were sent to kill your fiancé " Taehyungs ' father ' grinned.

" You will not win this sung " Taehyung exclaimed angrily.

His grin was wiped Of his face when a explosion erupted causing half of his men to fall to the ground.

" Who the hell are you ? " Sung Exclaimed as a figured walked closer.

Taehyung grinned " That is my boyfriend "




Jimin woke up in sweat. The last thing he remembered was falling into Jungkooks arms.

" So your awake prince ? Your here while your boyfriend is out there probably dying " the Aliana guard spat.

" B*tch , he's my husband firstly secondly your the one who going to die " Jimin sassily remarked.

Jimin knocked him out in one punch but the guard was still conscious and Jimin knew he couldn't defeat him empty handed. Jimin sprinted down the hall and suddenly collided into someone.

" Jimin! " Jungkook exclaimed.

Maybe time stopped when Jungkooks lips met his. Jimin's Heart was beating fast and the butterflies
In his stomach were intensifying.

" ...I'm so glad your safe " Jungkook spoke as a few tears rolled down his check.

" Jungoo...stop crying I'm fine " Jimin smiled wiping the tears on his face gently.

" Jimin! Your awake ! " Taehyung Smiled.

Jimin frowned he hadn't noticed that their white shirts were now stained red.

" What happened exactly? There was an Aliana guard back there trying to kill me  "Jimin exclaimed.

" I'm not sure but the kingdom of Aliana has clearly declared a war , not only did they try and poison
You - But it's a miracle that you woke up " Taehyung Told him.

" Yeah...the nurse was practically telling me you weren't going to wake up " said Jungkook.

" Well now he's awake and all the intruders have almost been captured...we should investigate this matter " Yoongi Suggested.

"  Your highness! I have news to report " Someone Exclaimed rushing in stained in red.

" Min Sung ! What happened? " Jimin exclaimed.

Min Sung was the royal protector of the youngest prince Jihyun and one of the castles most trusted guards.
He had a record for never having a single Scratch  on him when returning from a battle.

" I'm sorry -  but I have bad news to report...Jayhyun he ordered me to report to you instantly
Which I knew you wouldn't have because you were hurt - so I quickly rushed back to Jihyuns
Room and - he wasn't there - Jayhyun Has Been reporter leaving the castle with a sack "

" So your saying my brother he - "

" He's been kidnapped "

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