Chapter 6

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Jimin walked down the hallway. In two days he would be married. Two days.

The royal chef suddenly appeared in front of Jimin " Your Highness about the cake and flavour - "

" Jungkook can decide that once he has I'll inform you about the decorations" Jimin Told her she nodded and quickly walked away.

Jimin had been busy all day. Two days wasn't enough to plan a massive wedding like this one.

" Jimin - the tailor wants an appointment when are you free - " Taehyung asked appearing
Out of nowhere.

" Uh...8:30 today I guess " Jimin Told him, he nodded and quickly walked away.

To make matters worse his fiancé had been gone to Daegu on urgent matters regarding the
Safety of the royal families , which meant Jimin had to plan most things himself , he didn't even
Know when Jungkook would return.

" ...Uh...Sir...we were supposed to have a meeting about the flower arrangements " The royal
Gardener said causing him to snap out of his own thoughts.

" Oh I apologise , I lost track of time " Jimin sighed.

" It's okay your highness...It's really stressful planning a wedding...would you like to
View the flowers ? It will only take a second " She ensured.

" Yes of course "

Jimin walked outside , the aroma of flowers danced around him.

" These flowers have recently been freshly imported from Busan " she told Jimin.

" Hmm...I guess the esmaraldo...and white roses...there Jungkooks favourite" Jimin
Told her making her smile.

" How thought full of you to pick His majesty's favourite " She Smiled.

But Jimin knew they were also junghyuns favourite.

" I...have work to do...if that is all may I be Excused ? " Jimin asked she nodded.

Jimin walked down the hallway and froze. There was a man standing, he looked so similar
To junghyun. He stared at Jimin then bolted down the hallway.

Jimin held his sword in his hand tightly, quickly running after the figure.
He stopped for a second and looked around He had lost him.
He sat on the floor in the hallway for a second, Maybe he was just hallucinating ,
All this wedding planning was getting to his head.

" Jimin- Ah ? " a voice called out.

Jimin looked up to see Jungkook starting at him sitting on the floor

" You okay? You seemed it the wedding - " Jungkook asked softly wrapping
His arms around Jimin.

" This...might sound crazy...but...I saw junghyun- Hyung...I followed him here...and I'm
Sure it was him- "

" I...saw him too..." Jungkook blurted.

Jimin and Jungkook stared at each other not knowing what to say or do.

" Maybe we are hallucinating...we do have one day to organise this wedding..." Jimin Told him.

" Yeah...we should probably get back everyone is looking for us." Jungkook said lifting Jimin off the

" yeah ...oh did you decide the cake flavour ? " Jimin asked him.

" ...Yeah Banana milk flavoured - "

" What ?! Jungkook we are not having that at my wedding ! I will divorce you -"

Jungkook chuckled . " I'm kidding the flavour will be half vanilla half chocolate "

" Hey love Birds ! It's lunch time " Taehyung called out smiling.

Taehyung frowned. " oh...and Jimin...There is someone who wants to meet you "

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