Chapter 12

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" l...leave me alone..." The 10 year old whimpered.

" Your castle  is burned...parents are have nothing Taehyung " He Laughed as he grabbed
His knife out of his pocket.

" Leave him alone ! " A voice exclaimed.

The man turned around and laughed. " a little boy is going to stop me ? "

" You don't know who I am ? I am Jeon Jungkook if I was you I would run "

" oh the prince is here...what are you doing to do ? Kick me - ouch ! " The Main
Screamed in pain as Jungkook kicked him where one should not be ever kicked.

Another boy who looked the same age as Taehyung helped him off the ground and the
Guards dragged the unknown man away.

The younger boy smiled sweetly " I'm Jungkook and this is Jimin-Hyung don't worry
Nothing will happen to you Prince Taehyung-Hyung "

Taehyung felt something in his heart. It was beating fast when he saw Jungkook.
He didn't know why. But he was forever thankful to these two boys who had saved his life.





" Taehyung ? "





Taehyung woke up and looked around. He wasn't near his burning castle anymore he was safe.

" ...Jimin....why you screaming " Taehyung said half asleep.

" Firstly I'm not Jimin secondly we will be late for breakfast if you don't get up , thirdly take shower
You smell like banana milk and cake " Yoongi Told him.

" okay sugar give me a second " Taehyung yawed.

" Don't call me that " Yoongi scolded.

" can I call my significant other something sweet ?"

" When did we start dating ? "

" Since last night " Taehyung Smirked.

" last night ? Don't remember? "

" Want me to remind you ? " Taehyung whispered in his ear.

" I'm Hungry! So I'm heading to breakfast...get ready if you want to join "




" ...I guess your leaving Jeon Jimin "

" Aish... Tae Stop saying Jeon Jimin like that " Jimin blushed

" I'm just really really happy for you...but...are you ready to see that castle again ? " Taehyung Questioned.

" yes...I think I should move on it's the past I can't always get caught up in it...besides not like the castle ghost will haunt me or anything...I will be fine " Jimin smiled.



That night in the castle Jimin was not fine.

Jimin screamed and Jungkook rushed out of the bathroom only to see his husband fighting
A suit of armour. Luckily the armour collapsed and Jimin didn't get hurt.

" What the hell  Jungkook...this regularly happen in your castle ?" Jimin exclaimed catching his breath.

"no...this is new " Jungkook said helping Jimin off the ground.

Jimin looked at Jungkook his hair was soaking wet and he was only wearing a towel.

Jimin blushed. " Can you please put some clothes on "

Jungkook Smirked " Why you have already seen me - "

" EHEM PG-12 , the author will end up killing me if I don't control your language " Jimin Exclaimed
Breaking the fourth wall.

Jungkook finally put some clothes on and examined the suit of armour.

" ....Yoongi Hyung must know something about this I'll write a Letter...."

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