When this is Over

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When this is over
The world will never be the same again
It won't be the same place we used to know off
It will never be as peaceful as before
And we will never be the same people again

When this is compleately over
Lets go back
To those dreams
That we had abandoned
So as to take shelter in fear of our lives
Let's go back
To our families
We used to take for granted
That they will always be there with us
Just to feel that we are not alone
In this dying planet
Let's go back
To the relationships we used to have
Ready to love even harder than before
Without fear of what tomorrow may bring
Without fear of rejection
But true love and admiration
Let's go back
To the friends that we had
Because it is with them that we faced life
Making it less difficult
And more fun
Let's go back
To our parents and siblings
Back at home and hug them deeply
With tears of joy in our eyes
For they mean the world to us
In this world

When this is over
We should remember to appreciate
The doctors who saved us all
By sacrificing their lives
For the benefit of our lives
Let's remember the soldiers
Who stayed outside
Just to keep us safe
And ensure we honour our promise
Of staying at home

When this is finally over
Lets remember the fallen heroes
They were our families, friends and colleagues
They were the doctors that saved us all from extinction
They were the nurses that took care of us all
They were the brave souldiers that fought for our survival
They were the victims of circumstances
Who had no luck.

When this is over
Let us be kind to one another
For no reason at all
Let us love one another
Without getting anything in return
Let us be honest to ourselves and others
So as to live in peace and harmony
Let us be disciplined
And follow rules
Without any quarell
Let us appreciate one another
For we are all in this together

When this is over
We shall thank you God
For everything that has happened
And for keeping us safe

Only when this is over

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