I Celebrate Moi

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How can a soundtrack of childhood
Be erased from the memories?
How can the taste of nyayo
Be forgotten on my lips?
How can I forget
The hearty dance steps
With the famous kitenge uniforms
How can I forget that?

I choose to celebrate Moi
Today and for years to come
For the many years of service
You were indeed a great leader
With a back not know to bend
Who led Kenya to where we are

I choose to celebrate Moi
For his undying love for this nation
For his utmost dedication
And for being a true leader
We could rely on
Proudly Kenyan

I choose to celebrate Moi
For feeding the country
From county to county
Better known as provinces
Back in the olden days
With the famous
"Maziwa ya Nyayo"
That ensured kids find their way
Back to school everyday
Especially the Monday's
Wednesday and Friday
You coulden't afford to miss

I choose to celebrate Moi
For his great leadership skills
A style of his own making
That ensured his reign
Lasted for decades
Even to date

I choose to celebrate Moi
For uniting the entire country
From community to community
For building schools
For our childen to find their own future
For protecting the country
That we lived without fear of an attack
Trully your are an icon
To be celebrated

I choose to celebrate Moi
For being the leader we needed
Firm, independent and courageous
No one can debate that

The world is poorer today
Without you
As you depart to find peace and rest
We are in tears, sadness and happiness
Because your are leaving to join our ancestors
We will miss you
The country shall miss you
Untill we meet again

Rest in peace
His Execellency Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi

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