New Beginings

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The horizon glows
The eastern horizon
In its attractive orange colours
The beautiful skin of the sky stretched
Far beyond the reach of the eyes

I want to grow wings today
New and fabulous wings
The only thing I now need
That will take me to different levels
New levels beyond my reach
New levels away from my zone of comfort

I want to great the sky
Together with the rising sun
And beckon the moon to join me
When night falls
As I bid the sun sweet sorrow
Until tomorrow

I want to sing with the birds
Make melodies for everyone
While no one is listening
Then race with the wind
And the fierce eagle on the tracks
Marked by the clouds

I want to catch the stars
Keep them inside my pockets
That I might be glowing like the fireflies
Sometimes even twinkle
With delight, pleasure and smiles

I want new friends
New dreams conceived
New visions set in my eyes
New mindset and refreshed spirit
Calm heart full of love and God's word

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