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I am not sure,
If eternity rains in our thoughts,
Like it used to, long ago.
I am not sure,
If forever really belongs to us,
After the winds left us shaken,
Like a blade of grass.
I am not sure,
If it is really love holding us together,
Or the unquechable lust that we share,
Which keeps binding us together.
I am not sure anymore,
If I am giving up,
Where I trully belong
And meant to be.

We are not ready for this,
And we will meet again,
When we are ready,
Even if its in another world,
We will meet.

You are the sky,
And I am the stars,
Only shine with little,
Twinkles just so you know,
That you are not alone,
And I am there.

We are like day and night,
Always together in the same house,
But never meeting one another,
Unless for brief seconds
Thats weird sometimes,

We are not meant to be,
Not for each other,
But for other people,
Looking for us out there,
To compliment one another,
And live happy ever after.

I am too scared,
To commit myself again,
With the same intensity,
And being lied to again,
Over and over again,
When I am in need of only the truth
For my mind to be at peace
And quarell not  with my heart

You are in need of,
Another version of me,
A better me.
Who is not found in me,
Who is found in another,
And let me wonder in peace,
Faltering to pieces as I stagger away

Wounds of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now