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I am a believer
Atleast its what I used to be
I used to believe in friends
Because they make things easy
Life a little more exciting
Happines more lively
And moments worth keeping

But I dont think I still believe
Especially the friends of the heart
The ones I always have on mind
The ones I always spend time with
The ones I had trust on
And blind faith in
Not anymore

Being stabbed is painful
The kind of pain you walk with
And nobody seems to notice
Not that I want them to

Bleeding without a wound
A cut across the chest
Deep in the heart
Doing away with trust
The only element that held us closer

Abandoned friendship
But not forgoten
For time was used
The same way I feel used
But not anymore
My 'friend'

Happy without you I am
But your deeds not forgoten
For they bring tears
And sadness
Because you betrayed me my friend

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