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I want to wash myself in words
Rinse my dirty hands in sentences 
Shower in old books of wise words
And drown in endless chapters
One after another

I want to sing 
Sing sad and love songs 
Soo loud enough to me get wild
Then write beautiful melodies
Beautiful enough to disguise beauty
And create symphonies 
Soo captivating to get everyone going

I want to dance
Dance without care or caution
Weather they know me or not
Or weather my rugs get torn 

I want to get free
Free even of myself
To even forget my troubles and sorrows
Just to get lost in time
And not drown in past memories

I want to live
To live with myself and me 
Just the two of us alone
Watching over each other
Never hurting one another
But just being always happy 

I want to love
Soo fierce wild and free
Without fear of getting hurt 
Or being left heartbroken 
I want to hold her in my dreams and reality
Promise a bright future in the darkness 
And be brave enough to lead her there
With only love,  adoration and contentment in my heart. 

I want to be
Soo real and pure like magic
Where my emotions flow
My eyes glow
And watch myself grow

Wounds of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now