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I know of a place
Somewhere far and deep
Where immortal men and women live
Where roses dont house thorns
Infact flowers bloom forever
That place has some deep love
The kind that shines even on the eyes
Glows deep from the heart
Pure like heavenly waters
Delicate like a lovers touch
I know of that place.

I remember my first time
Visiting the lost planet of love
I was engulfed in warm embrace
Like a long lost child
Who found his way back eventually
I was held up like a bundle of joy
A little bubble of happiness
I was showered with love
Real amd genuine love
Not like the obvious once I was used to
This was different
It was warm, sweet and lovely
Carefully showed in block letters
In attractive block letters up
And I fell in love

I often think of that place
Because I live there
Since my inception
The very first moment
I was given a pen and a book
To re-write the stars of the sky
To immortolise men and women
To make memories live forever
Both the beautiful and the poignant ones

I know of that place
Because I am free and wild
I am free to pour my emotions
Vent my anger and pen my thoughts
I know that place because I am safe
From my enemies and foes
They can't hurt me but only see me
And even smile at my pointed words

I know of that place
Where even the dead live
The trees express their feelings
And animals echo their sentiments
I know of that place
Because that place is poetry

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