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People come and they sometimes go
The world might even never know
At night these empty feelings grow
The mind gets cold like its on a snow
Tears stroling down only to show

Gift me this moment to hold
Because I live for this feeling
These empty feelings
I want them to know
Before I let go

Its already night
And I still cant let go
I never want to let go
But still they have to grow
And I need to let them know

I am gone
But I still see us in there
I am cold from this tears
I am like the snow

If you love them
Let them know
If you love them not
Let them go

I am going to miss you
When I am cold
But you will be with me 
Always with me
Wherever I go
The light that you give me
Will never go
Where we will ever go

Wounds of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now