Why am i getting married

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Taehyung's pov

"Mom how much times do i have to tell you..I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED especially since it's that husband of yours is the one picking my husband" i whined to my mother. " i know hunny but you have to" she said in a low and sad tone. "why do i "have to" i asked as i rubbed my temples to calm myself down. "Well it's because.. your fathe~" "HE.IS.NOT.MY.FATHER" i said in a harsh tone "im sorry" my mother said while tears formed in her eyes " you really didn't deserve this and i blame myself for this" she said and started crying loudly.

"I hate seeing her cry" ( Taehyung)

so i walked closer to her and held her in my embrace " mom please calm down and tell me what happened" "well"

Taehyung's mother's pov


"Listen to me...i said that i soled that helpless son of yours to a guy name mr. Jeon" my husband said to me. " WHAT THE FUCK, HOW CAN YOU JUST SELL OUR~" i shake my head then continued "MY SON WITH OUT MY CONSENT" I yelled.

( i was tired since i had now came home from work. I work two jobs because my useless husband just wants to gamble and also because i need to provide for my son so he can continue his studies and live a comfortable life like any other teenager) "who do you think you're yelling at you "useless" bitch" he said harshly and slapped me across my face causing me to fall, then he sighed and said " Mr. Jeon said he wants to marry that ugly son of yours on monday. He'll also be here to~" he was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Coming" he said and walked to the door looking threw the hole in the door to see who was there " get up" he whisper to me. I looked at him with confusion and anger marked all over face but still got up.

When i was standing he opened the door and greeted some old man and welcomed him into the house i bought with my own money (Just saying🤷‍♀️). " hello madame" the old man said to me and while holding out his hand for to shake. I hesitated abit but still ending up shaking his hand. " hunny this is the guy i sadly lost a bet to and sold our son to sinse i didn't have the money to pay him" my husband said in a sweet/sadish voice which made me cringe "oh so now you call him your son" i mumbled under my breathe

Then i realized what he said " WAIT A DAMN MINUTE....... YOU SOLED MY SON TO SOME OLD GUY TO MARRY" I yelled at my husband

I had to think fast so I looked over at the old guy and fell to my knees pleading. " please if you want someone to marry you could marry me just please spear my son he's only 17 years old. I said while crying " im sorry but your husband sold him to me. If you want your you could always pay the money he owned me instead" the old guy said with a smirk plastered on his ugly face which disgusted me " h~how much" i said in a shaky voice " 875,047 dollars" i was beyond shocked i don't even make that much in 7 years how could i pay that all at once.

End of flashback

Taehyung's pov

(After hearing what my mother said i felt slightly more okay with it since she atleast made an effort to stop the wedding, She even offered herself in stead on me).

" it's okay mom at least you tried" i said as i patted her head while she continued to crying. " i really don't want my baby to get married to some old perverted guy but he told me that if i interfere with the wedding while it's happening he'll kill you" she said while sniffing.

"it's okay mom it'll marry him but when is the wedding?" I asked out of curiosity "w~well" "well what mom?" "It's today" i looked at her shocked "T~today" " im sorry that i couldn't tell you earlier. It's because i met that old guy yesterday which was sunday and he said he wanted to marry you monday but you were by jimin's house last night also remember your phone didn't have money in it so I couldn't call you on the house phone" she said nervously.


It's the end of this chapter ima go do chapter 2 cause im actually into my own story😅

Also Taehyung's mother's talks and behaves like Ryuji's mother from Toradora. The only difference is that Taehyung's mother has a husband and works at a hotel store and restaurant. She's an airhead but can be terrifying when she's mad.

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