Chapter Eight

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Mesaal's POV

Last night wasn't very 'nice' as you might put it. I hated being treated like a thing again but when I left the dining room, I got Kaka-sensei's food. He wasn't able to move his arms so I fed him instead. Then, I washed up all the dishes and went hunting for Ryuu. Just in case, I left them a note saying I would be sleeping outside.

"Why are you sleeping outside?" Ryuu asks me as I lay on a tree on the woods near their house.

"Because I hate it when I'm treated like an object. It brings back bad memories. They were fighting over who wants me. They acted just like the people I want to forget."

"I'm sure they didn't mean it."

"I know, but still. They did it in the end whether they meant it or not. It just hurt, remembering those people." I slowly close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful slumber.


I saw a younger version of my self walking around with a couple. She was wearing a pink kimono with a sakura design. The woman was wearing a plain white and red yukata, her hair was red and tied in a ponytail. Her facial features were pretty, she had beautiful blue ocean-like eyes and her soft lips were parted. The man was wearing a black yukata and his black hair blended in. He was a very handsome man but a stern look crossed his face, only to fade when he looked at his wife and adopted child.

"Where are we going, Yua?" The child me asks the lady.

"We're going to a festival. The festival of the stars." Yua explained.

"What's this festival for?" A look of puzzlement crossed my younger self's face. "Why is it on this day specifically? The stars are always around us."

"Because this day, thousands of years ago, there was said to be a very special star. This star was said to bring down the humans that lived in the village. Legend has it that this star brought down people from the heavens to live in this village and help it grow and improve." Reo carefully informed the young girl.

"So does that mean your ancestors came from the stars?"

"Yes." Yua smiled at the child.

"Is that also why you and Reo have special powers?"

"...." She doesn't respond.

"Is it something I shouldn't know?" The young me questions innocently.

"We'll tell you another time. But we're at the festival now. Enjoy yourself while it lasts."

The scene changes to the child me and the couple playing games, eating food, watching the parade and going on rides. At the end of the festival, everything goes black and white. The couple I was standing with had knifes embedded in their bodies. Their eyes were gorged out, bones were cracked, broken and some even removed from the body. This was when the child just closed her eye and hid it with her hair. Falling to her knees, she crawled over to the two bodies and felt for their pulses. Both of them had a very weak pulse and were breathing heavily.

"No, no, no! It can't be. You can't leave me too! You were like the parents I never had.... You can't die!!!" She wailed.

"Come now. There's no need for that." Yua begins coughing up blood. "You won't be alone. Go to the hidden leaf village. They will take care of you and make sure you're safe."

A single tear ran down both their faces before saying in unison. "We love you. Goodbye."

The next scene was people torturing me. There was a face-

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