Chapter Two

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Mesaal's POV

I woke up to Minoru shaking my consciousness.

'Kid, you need to wake up. If I stand corrected. then you promised to make the nine tails kid both lunch and breakfast.' Minoru states, not happy that she has to wake me up so early.

'Thanks Minoru. What do you think I should cook for breakfast?' I ask her as I strip myself of my clothes and step into the shower. Humming a soft tune I learnt long ago, I washed my body and my long hair in the luke-warm water. After showering, I walk to the closet, finding it to be filled with ninja clothes my size.

'That's really weird, kid. Did they do something to you while I was asleep?' Minoru asked, slightly creeped out by all the clothes being in my size.

'I don't think so. Well, I better thank that ANBU that's been following me since I left the Hokage's office.' I tell her, getting dressed.

'You knew about him and you still stay so calm?' Minoru doubts.

'Of course I'm calm. They don't trust me yet, so like with everyone else, we start at rock bottom and work our way to the skies.' I inform her.

I then shout out of the window, "Thanks ANBU-san that's been following and watching me!" Before heading towards the kitchen.

'Pancakes sounds nice right now, don't you think?' Minoru suggests before yawing.

'Right now, I can picture you laying down and taking a nap.' I chuckle.


'She noticed me? How can she act so calm and casual about being followed by such a high ranked ninja. One that specialises in tracking at that.' I think as I watched the little girl walk out of her room. As I watch her walk into another room, she looks through a nearby window and waves at me.

'She certainly isn't your everyday girl. Most chunin can't even sense me, let alone pin-point the exact location of me in less than a second.' I was thinking as she entered the kitchen.

My eyes narrow as I observe her cooking. She was setting out three plates. One for her, one for the cursed kid, but who is the last one's?

I carefully observe her as she leaves the house, a plate of pancakes in hand, and walks to the cursed kid's door. She gently knocks and shouts to him, "It's time to wake up, Naru! I made you pancakes!" In the distance, I shake my head slightly.

'Why would she care for a cursed kid?' As if she knew what I was thinking, she shot a deadly glare at her and some killing intent was visible. 'I admit, she has a pretty deadly glare, but it will take more than that for me to back down. I've faced worse opponents than she could even dream about beating.'

Acting as if nothing happened when the door opened, she turned her head and looked at the cursed kid. "Hey Naru. As I said, I made pancakes for you. You should also try to get up in the mornings." I could practically hear her smile as she said it.

"Morning, Mesaal-chan! I'm awake, believe it!" Cursed kid shouts in her ear, causing her to flinch.

"Naru.. I'll have you know, my ears are very sensitive and you shouting in my ear isn't exactly a 'thank you' when I just made you pancakes." Little girl groans.

With that, she walks back to her door, only to pick another plate of pancakes up. 'What is she doing?' I question myself as she jumps up onto the rooftop I am currently perched on.

"Here, I don't suppose you've ate anything by the look on you face, so I made you these. You can just return the plate when you're done. Think of it as a thank you gift." She tells me before jumping back into her apartment and eating her own pancakes. I look down at the plate she put on my lap. I sigh before eating the sweet scented pancakes.

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