Chapter one

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"Shit, shit, shit!" I mutter as I run down the halls of UA high school.

"I can't be late, not on the first freaking day!"

I frantically run up the stairs towards my home room class, 1A. As I get there I bend over, breathing heavily. Once I catch my breath I look up at the huge door. 'What the fuck? Do we having giants here or what?' I think to myself as I push the door open.
I take a step into the class, only to trip over my own feet and fall flat on my face.

Congrats, you have officially proven yourself to be a clutz in front of the whole class. Way to go!

"Hey are you alright?" I hear someone ask.

I look up and am met with a pair of bright blue eyes, which are staring at me with a very concerned expression.

I nod and sit up, feeling something running down my face. I put my hand up to my nose and it comes away with blood on it. I grab a tissue from my pocket, (cause who doesn't carry around tissues), and wipe my face.

I look up again to see the blue eyed boy extending his hand to me. I grab it and he pulls me up.

"Thanks.." I say quietly.

The boy smiles, "No problem!"

I notice his hair is very blonde, almost yellow, he has two bangs that look like flopped bunny ears. The rest of his hair reminds me of a sunflower. He is quite tall, no scratch that, he pretty much towers over me. I can't tell if it's because I'm so short, or because he's really tall.

He extends his hand out again for me too shake, and I take it and give a slight shake.

He smiles again, "Its nice too meet you, I'm Toshinori Yagi."

I give a small smile, "Nice too meet you Yagi, I'm Y/n, L/n."

I look around the rest of the class, I see a boy with short red hair, he doesn't look too happy. Another boy at the back has bright blonde hair like Yagi's, but it's in a short updo, the guy also has a pair of sunglasses on, 'wtf we are indoors why does he need sunglasses?' I ask myself. My eyes land on another class mate, she has long dark blue hair and red rimmed glasses, she's really pretty. There is a boy next to her with messy black hair, he's reading a book, and looks super tired. (

And there is no need to mention the rest of the classmates because they are unimportant in this story. Oh is that the bell, class is starting better take a seat!

I sit down at an empty seat next to the blonde guy with sunglasses on. He looks over and grins widely.

"Hi! I'm Hizashi Yamada! What's your name?!" This kid is gonna make me deaf.

I smile back, "My name is Y/n L/n, it's nice too meet you!"

"You too L/n!" He starts humming a tune, and I turn my gaze to the black haired boy on the other side of me.

For some reason I feel as though I should talk quietly to him, he seems like the kind of person who enjoys the quiet.

I tap him on the shoulder and smile at him as he turns to face me.

"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n, what's your name?" I speak pretty quietly and he seems to appreciate it.

"It's Shota Aizawa." He says just as quietly.

I look at the book in his hands, "What's your book called?"

He smiles a bit, "To kill a mockingbird, it's my favourite book."

"Really? It's mine too!" I smile widely.

He smiles softly and goes back to reading.

I look up as the teacher enters the room and addresses everyone.

((DISCONTINUED)) Toshinori x Reader x Aizawa x Enji x Hizashi Where stories live. Discover now