Chapter 25

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Sanem smiled wide, her face lighting up at the thought of seeing Can's face. She gave Mihriban one last hug, and she stood up to go. "Thank you! Thank you so much. I have to go now."

"I know you do, my sweet. Good luck."

"I'll need it," she said, and she practically ran to the door. She opened it, and Can was standing there with his father.

"Can?" she said, surprised.

"Sanem," he said, his voice caressing her name.


They stood in place and just looked at each other for the longest thirty seconds of Sanem's life. Finally, she threw herself into his arms and hugged him tight, and his arms came up to wrap around her. He buried his face in her hair. "I'm so glad you're here, Can," she said into his chest. "I needed you," she whispered so quietly he barely heard her. But he did, and her words made his heart soar.

He kissed her temple. "I'm so sorry, Sanem." He pulled back a little to see her face and smoothed her hair back. "Please forgive me," he said, kissing her face. "Please tell me you can forgive me, Sanem. I was so stupid." He kept kissing her face everywhere; he couldn't stop. "I don't know what I was thinking; I don't know where it came from. I wasn't in my right mind, Sanem."

She reached up to hold his face in her hands, tears brimming over and spilling down her cheeks. "Tamam. Tamam, Can. Let's go talk, okay?"

He nodded and turned his face to kiss her palm. "Yes," he said, his eyes sincere. "Yes, let's talk."

She pulled away from him and looked back at Mihriban standing in the doorway. "I love you. Thank you," she said, blowing her a kiss.

"I love you, sweet angel," Mihriban replied, blowing Sanem a kiss in return. Aziz watched them, and he was so grateful to have both of them in his life. He felt so lucky that they'd found each other and become so close.

Mihriban looked over at Can, afraid to meet his eyes. But when she did, he nodded at her and gave her a small smile. For now, that was enough. She put her hand over her heart and tried to hold back the tears that were falling. Aziz came over to her and put his arm around her shoulders, rubbing her arm in comfort.

Sanem took Can's hand and pulled gently. "Can, come with me." He looked at her and smiled, and they walked together toward her house.

She opened the door and entered her house, and he followed and closed the door.

"Sit with me?" she asked.

He took her hand again and she led them to the couch, where they sat down together. She sat facing him, folding her legs under her and leaning her side against the back of the couch.

She fiddled with her fingers nervously. "Can, I don't know where to start," she said, looking up at him.

He turned to face her. "Sanem, you were right about everything. I shouldn't have said what I did to Metin--I lost my temper and I take full responsibility for that. You and I had agreed to talk to him together, and I lost control of myself and completely disregarded our agreement." He held her hands in his. "But you know me, Sanem. That's not me. He was just...pushing all my buttons!" He let out a breath. "And I'm not trying to make it seem like my actions weren't my fault--they were. I just...I don't know," he said, looking down at their entwined fingers and rubbing his thumb back and forth over her index finger.

"Can, I get it. He pushes my buttons sometimes, too, but I have learned to keep my head when he does it. I know you have a temper, aşkım. I have helped you calm yourself more times than I can remember." He looked down again, and she dipped her head to keep eye contact with him. "Can? Look at me." He looked up, and she could tell he was feeling guilty and internally beating himself up.

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