Chapter 23

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"Deren? What are you doing here?" Can asked.

"Good morning, Can bey," she answered, obviously embarrassed. "We thought you were the delivery boy. I'm sorry."

Metin came up behind her, putting his hands on her waist. "Deren? Is the food here?"

"No, but I am," Can said as Metin came into sight.


"Can," Metin said, removing his hands from Deren's waist. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I can see that, Brother," Can said, looking at Deren. She was looking anywhere but at Can.

Metin put his hand on her arm and she looked up at him. "Deren, can you give us a few minutes, please?"

"Yes, of course. I'll just...I'll be somewhere else," she said awkwardly, leaving the two of them alone.

Metin stepped aside so that Can could enter. "Come in," he said, "It's good to see you."

Can walked into Metin's living room. Metin closed the door and turned to face Can. "What's going on, Metin?"

"We've had this conversation. You know me, Can. You know where I stand. I love Sanem, but our relationship is not physical yet."

Can took a deep breath in to try to control his anger. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and clenched his fists. "What does that have to do with anything? She only deserves your fidelity if she's sleeping with you? Fine, your relationship isn't physical; I don't see how that makes it okay for you to sleep with someone else after you've proposed to her. Does Deren know that's why she's here with you? Or does she think something more is going on? Does she know about Sanem?" He spoke in a measured tone, and Metin picked up on his obvious displeasure.

"What's up, Brother? I mean, why are you taking this so personally? My relationships are really not your business." Metin couldn't hide his irritation with Can's judgement.

"If it's about Sanem, it is my business. If you're not going to be faithful, you should be honest with her."

Metin narrowed his eyes at Can. "You haven't been in contact with her for years. You barely know her anymore. I told you I've been seeing other women the whole time I've been with her. She doesn't know and doesn't ask, and it's been fine. No reason to change things now. She's my girlfriend, and I'll handle her my way. "

Can felt all the energy and power in his body focused in his hands. He couldn't stand Metin treating Sanem this way--handle her? No way. He couldn't stand Metin claiming her, either, and the words came out of his mouth without thought. "She's not yours, Metin. She's mine!" Can yelled, shoving Metin's chest with both hands.

"Yours? What are you talking about?" Metin asked, his face incredulous.

"You know the one you've been helping me look for since we met? The one I've always talked about? The reason I never wanted to date anyone? The love of my life? She is Sanem. I finally found her again, only to find out she's in a relationship with you. But she's nothing more than one of your conquests, is she? You want to marry her because she'll look good on your arm at all your high-society parties and you can show her off to clients," he said, shoving him again. "But that's not going to happen." He stood in front of Metin, his eyes burning with rage. "She loves me and I love her--she's mine."

"She lied to me," Metin said in disbelief. "I asked her directly and she lied to me. You've both been lying to me since the night of the party. No wonder she wouldn't let me touch her, she's been getting it from you all this time," he said with a sneer. Metin was suddenly unrecognizable to Can. This man wasn't his best friend--or had he just never seen it before? "She pretends to be so innocent," Metin continued, "but she gave you what she never gave me. She must be amazing in bed if you couldn't get her out of your mind for nine years. Too bad I never got a taste."

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