Chapter 13

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She was looking at him like he was everything good that ever existed in the world and it made his heart soar. "You're mine. I know you know it. You'll give yourself back to me; I know you will because there's never been a question about who you're supposed to be with or who I'm supposed to be with. I'll wait until you admit it to yourself and to me. I'll wait as long as it takes, do whatever it takes, but there's no way I'm going to let you get away again, Sanem."


Sanem set a platter of various meats and cheeses among the other dishes on the picnic table in the garden and she stood back to admire the breakfast spread. Her friends were arriving soon, and she was excited to see them. It had really only been a couple of weeks since she last saw them, but she'd spent the last few years living with them, so she wasn't used to being away from them. They'd become her family while she was in London, and now they were coming for a visit and to help her expand her business.

Sanem had started selling her handmade botanical creams and ointments when her friends shared with their friends and demand became high. She soon started selling at farmer's markets and in small boutique shops, and then she went through the necessary safety and quality testing and the process to make a brand for herself and sell online. She was quite successful in the UK, and she wanted to expand her business to Turkey, and eventually worldwide. Her friends each had a small share and offered their specific skill sets to help Sanem grow her company.

Mihriban came out with a pitcher of orange juice to add to the spread. "Thank you, Mihriban abla," Sanem said, turning to smile at her.

"My pleasure! I'm looking forward to seeing the girls," she said, giving Sanem a hug. She stepped back and looked at the young lady who was like a daughter to her. "I have something for you," she said, smiling broadly.

"Oh, no. You've done enough!" Sanem said.

"This is something I really want to give you. I've been waiting to give it to you since you were in high school. I think now is the right time."

Sanem was intrigued. "What is it?"

Mihriban reached into her pocket and fished out a set of keys. She held them up and jingled them.

"Keys?" Sanem asked.

"Yes. Keys to your new house," Mihriban said. "Your favorite house."

Sanem shook her head. She'd always been in love with one of the houses on Mihriban's property. She called it the magical glass house; two adjacent walls were floor-to-ceiling windows and they could slide all the way open to bring the outdoors in. She'd always loved spending time in that house, and she'd often ask Mihriban why she didn't live there. Mihriban would just laugh and say it wasn't practical for her. Sanem had her own keys, and she had her workshop set up in there, and Mihriban had always planned to give the house to Sanem. "I can't accept this, Mihriban abla!"

"Yes you can! It's always been yours. I've been saving it for you. I've gotten it all fixed up and ready. This is my gift to you. Please don't give me a hard time--I really want you to have it," she said, her eyes pleading with Sanem, her lips in a dramatic pout.

Tears sprang to her eyes and Sanem launched herself into Mihriban's arms. "Thank you, Mihriban abla! Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much this means to me."

Mihriban stroked her hair and her back and kissed her forehead. "I know, my girl. You deserve it. And this is my sneaky way of keeping you close," she said, pulling back and winking at her.

The sound of a car pulling up interrupted the moment and they separated to see who was coming. It was a big yellow taxi, and Sanem knew who would be in it. "They're here!" Sanem and Mihriban ran to greet the taxi as her best friends emerged from the car to give them both hugs one by one.

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