Reading Night #3 NanaSato//ななさと

Beginne am Anfang

"... I love you, (Y/N). Just as much as I love Satomi. What do you think about that?"

She was speechless-
Although she expected something like this.

"I-I... I really like you, too..."

"Then you have two boyfriends now, congratulations!"

Satomi looked sceptic.
He knew (Y/N) only loved his friend and not him, she surely wouldn't have been interested in having them both as boyfriends.

"... Okay. Let's do it."

Both males were surprised, but in the end, all of them were happy with this kind of relationship and didn't mind each other's company.

They were still best friends, after all.

They went to sleep after that, and when they woke up the next morning, Nanamori was gone, leaving (Y/N) and the pink-haired alone together in bed.
Their legs were tangled and her head was laying on his chest, his heartbeat very audible to her ears.

The girl startled awake and woke the male with her surprise, too, his confusion also obviously visible.

"What... Where's Naa-kun?"

"I-I don't know..."

It was an awkward situation.
They knew they weren't really in love with each other (or at least so they thought at first), but since they were in a relationship, they might has well have acted like it.

So (Y/N) leaned down, pressing a kiss onto the elder's lips.

"Good morning."

The latter was surprised, didn't mind the kiss though and returned it with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Are you still in bed?", Nanamori called out of the bathroom.

He stepped into the living room, catching the couple as they lean in for another kiss.

"W-We just woke up!"

Their cheeks were both bright red, amusing the younger male.

"Then get up, breakfast is almost ready."

The two jumped up, ate breakfast, got ready and went alltogether to work.

                     Flashback end

"Okay, I have to get some books from the library."

"We'll accompany you and help you carry them, then."

"Thanks, Naa-kun."

"What a pain...", Satomi sighed, still following his friends.

When they arrived at the library, the female told then what books she was looking for and they all started searching.
Together, like in old times.

"That's nostalgic... You always helped me search for books back then, be it for school or own purposes."

"Because you would have never found them alone, haha."

They laughed, reminiscing about the past.
Eventually, after they found everything, they leaned against the shelfs and continued talking.

"I'm really glad I have you two."

"Aw, don't be so dramatic now!", Satomi laughed, lifting (Y/N) up and swaying her around.
(Y/N) tried to laugh along but her feet not touching the ground took all her thinking and replaced it with fear.

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