The Final Fight!! Part 2

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Another chapter guys!
Part two is up!
The final battle begins!


"He is coming."
Daito hands Bulla to Bulma.
"Take shelter Bulma with Bulla."
Bulma nods.
"Keep Kathie safe for me."
Bulma nods, going to go check on Kathie.

Daito looked to Beerus, and the two walked out of Bulma's home, and into her big yard.
"Yes, both are almost here."
Beerus admits, sensing Dominic and another stronger presence.

"I will handle Dominic since I am stronger than him, and you handle my brother."
Daito tells Beerus.

Beerus folds his arms to his chest, purple energy static surrounding him.

Beerus perked up, seeing a blond fox eared long haired man wearing traditional clothes approach by flying here with Dominic, and then land in front of Beerus, the blond fox eared man glaring at Daito then Beerus.
"So it is true you live brother."
The fox eared blond man says with utter displeasure.

"Focus on me you swine!"
Beerus growled out.

The blond fox eared man glared at Beerus, and snarled out.
Tainted her!
You shall die!"

Beerus sneered at the blond fox eared man.
"No, today you will die, because I; Beerus God Of Destruction Of Universe Seven shall destroy you!"
Beerus shouts, opening his mouth powering up, closing his fists together, purple energy bursting around him, making the blond fox eared man smirk.

"Bring it on stupid wrinkly bald cat!"
Zaito shouts.

"I am not bald!"
Beerus shouts.

Vegeta shouts.
"Take this elsewhere where there are no casualties!"

Beerus looked to Vegeta, then to Daito, remembering how Luka scolded him at the carnival.
She would scold me for harming innocent people, dammit!
I should not care but I do now!
Beerus thought to himself.

Let's take this elsewhere!
So follow me!"
Beerus shouts.

"With pleasure!"
Zaito smirked.

Daito nods to Beerus, and Beerus flew off with Daito, and Dominic and Zaito followed Beerus wherever Beerus flew, and Beerus flew for a long time, until he found a desolate location void of people and animals, and landed there with Daito, and Zaito and Dominic landed too.

"I shall kill you for tainting my property you bald cat!"
Zaito growled.

"My daughter is not your property Zaito!"
Daito shouts in anger.

"She is mine brother!"
Zaito shouts back to his brother.
"Nobody but I shall have her!"

"Is that why you killed Dominic and made him your puppet?!"
Beerus growled out.

"And killed my own brother and his pregnant mate yes!"
Zaito sneered, cockily bragging to Beerus.

"There is a special place in hell for creatures like you."
Beerus snarled out.
"And I shall send you there."
Beerus rushed forward, and threw a punch at full force, and Zaito barely dodged in time, him swallowing hard, and sweatdropping, as his right cheek was cut severely, blood gushing like a fountain, muscle showing, and it hurt bad the injury.

Who is this bald cat?!
Zaito thought to himself, now worrying about his life, as Beerus roundhouse kicked him so fast in the gut, Zaito couldn't react, and he coughed blood from his mouth, as he went through a rock, the rock exploding, and he went through another rock, him coughing more blood from his mouth as he goes, and pain exploding more in his back and his whole body as he goes.
His body felt like it was being shredded apart by invisible blades allover, as he then hits a big thicker rock, indenting it with his body, and cracking it, coughing blood, his head hanging low.

In seconds Beerus floated in front of him, and Zaito could barely lift his head up to look upon Beerus' smirking face, as Beerus grabbed hold of Zaito by his throat, and then said harshly.
"This is for the pain you caused the woman I love.
For molesting her.
For killing her family, and her last lover, and tormenting her for many hundreds of years.
I hope you rot in the deepest pits of the bowels of hell.
King Yama will surely send you there, because he surely despises child molesters."
Beerus puts one hand out flat in front of Zaito's face and a swirling purple energy ball formed, as he says.
A boom goes off, and the swirling energy ball consumed Zaito's body, and destroyed his body, as Zaito screamed in agony, his body turning to nothing, until he was no more, some of the rock he was against eroded, and was destroyed a little too.

Beerus quickly flew back to where Daito was at, and Daito had a hand on Dominic's head, and Dominic had his red eyes closed, and his face looked peaceful, as pink fox fire flames surrounded him, and a pentagram was under his knees that were on the ground.
Daito had two fingers in a hand sign in front of his face, his blue eyes glowing brightly, and Beerus watched as Dominic's body glowed brightly pink, and Dominic says.
"Thank you for freeing me Lord Daito, and tell Luka I am happy she is happy now, and I am now at peace, and will always love her even in death."
Dominic's body turned into pink light and floated up to the sky, and disappeared.

Beerus looked up, shouting.
"King Yama!
Dominic's soul goes to heaven do you hear me, or face my wrath!"

King Yama shivers, hearing Lord Beerus say that just as Dominic as his human self appeared before him, and he says.
"You return back to heaven as you belong, since you were wrongly taken from heaven by evil magic and used as a puppet against your will."

"Thank you King Yama."
Dominic says, bowing to King Yama, as he was escorted to heaven by other devils.

Zaito then appeared before King Yama, and King Yama glared at Zaito.
"For the crime of child molestation, and killing your own brother, and his pregnant wife, as well as tormenting the child you molested for hundreds of years, and killed her last lover, as well as used evil magic to steal his soul from heaven to do evil deeds, you will go straight to Hell."
King Yama hits Zaito with a hammer, and Zaito went through the floor and was thrust into a cage in Hell.

Beerus looked to Daito, saying.
"My deed to Luka is done.
Daito I wish you happiness with Kathie, and we will visit Earth quite a bit, since I love the food here."
Beerus holds his hand out.
Daito looked to Beerus' hand and shook it.

"Thank you, for sparing Earth.
Treat my kit Luka well.
So when is the wedding?"
Daito asked, smiling at Beerus.

"Luka says she is not ready yet."
Beerus says sweatdropping.

"She better be ready soon since you two mated recently.
And she is in heat, she will desire you to hold her, beg for it, then she will become with kits, and then marriage must happen since it is tradition."
Daito smiled sweetly, yet scarily at Beerus, making Beerus get a cold chill down his spine.

The look on his face gives me; a God Of Destruction chills, which is pretty damn rare!
Beerus thought to himself, Beerus feeling creeped out.

"Her smell will drive you mad too, since you have a keen nose."
Daito continues onward.

Beerus swallowed hard.
"How long does it last?
This heat?"

"A week.
Unless you impregnate her during it."
Daito tells Beerus.

"She says she do not want children yet."
Beerus sighs, running a hand down his face.

"She is scared yes, due to what my brother did to her.
Yet I noticed she has healed because of you Lord Beerus."
Daito says to Beerus.

"You noticed that?"
Beerus asked, as the two began flying back to West City.

"Yes I noticed it.
She does want to be with you forever, since I see it in her eyes.
My little kit has issues expressing her emotions.
She has been this way since she was a little kit, kit meaning child."
Daito tells Beerus.

"I noticed she has issues expressing what she feels, and it is frustrating."
Beerus sighs in an irritating way.

"Yes, it is frustrating, only her mother could know what she wanted when she was young when she wanted something and I could not."
Daito tells Beerus.
"So you are not alone.

Beerus and Daito land in Bulma's yard, and were happy to have defeated the enemy, now they could live happy lives.


To be continued.....

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