Birth Of Liviko

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Here's the next chapter guys!


Indeed after I had sex with Beerus I had signs of pregnancy, and started throwing up, and everything, even smells bothered me, and Beerus was excited for it, even Whis too!
Beerus bragged to Champa about it like he swore up and down he would.
Beerus even made a baby room, as well as Mom had her baby, which she named Moka, which me and Beerus got to see born, and Beerus fainted at the birth, cause he never thought I would go through such a thing, but yeah.
The whole process of giving birth isn't pretty, it's a hellish gory nightmare.
Dad was ballsy watching the whole thing.

But now I'm almost ready to give birth since time flows faster here on Beerus' planet and nine months is almost passed, and Whis says he's the one doing the home birthing since God Of Destruction children are different than humans.

I'm about to pop and give birth any day now so to speak and Whis has been watching me with expectant eyes so has Beerus.
Beerus is fretting badly too about the birthing actually so to speak.
He's been freaking out if it'll go okay.
He's worried.

Today I could feel it would happen, and little Liviko was aching to be born.
Yep, we figured the name to be Liviko.
She's a beautiful girl, found out thanks to Bulma, and she kept it hush hush.
Though on the camera Liviko clearly didn't look human at all sadly to doctors, and she forced the doctors to shut their yappers.
The doctors were scared enough to shut up, cause Beerus had an energy ball to their faces.
My now husband Beerus threatened them go figure.
Yep we are married after I got pregnant after I found out after the first morning sickness incident.
Cause my Dad forced the wedding on Beerus.
Beerus accepted it, and Bulma planned it and boy was it beautiful.

Full of roses and and doves flying as I walked down the aisle and Beerus was happy seeing me in a well suit, cause I refused a dress, and I stood before him, and we did our vows, kissed, and we were married.
It was the happiest moment if my life.
Dad walked me down the aisle by the way.

As I remembered all that, as I'm sitting on the couch, my water immediately broke, and I started getting contractions, and I shout.
"My water broke!
Liviko is coming now!"
I shout to Whis and Beerus.

Whis ran over to me and Beerus, and Whis picked me up, and brought me over to the birthing table, and then stripped me down out of my clothing naked to begin the procedure of me giving birth.
"I'm sorry but you have to be nude for this."
Beerus says to me.

"I know cause we practiced."
I cry out in pain from contractions.

"Push Luka."
Whis says as I do just that, and start giving birth, crying out in pain.

For about two hours I was in labor, me pushing, and finally did Liviko come out of my womb, and into Whis' arms, and only then did he clean her up, and wrap her in a blanket, and hand her to me, then Whis began cleaning me up down below.

"She is beautiful."
I say tiredly to Beerus, smiling at him.

Beerus smiled at me, showing me tons of fangs.
"Yes our little bundle of joy is beautiful.
We made her."
Beerus put his finger out, and Liviko grabbed his finger, and gave it a squeeze, and smiled a toothless grin at him.

I giggle.
"She likes her Daddy."

"She has a hellish grip."
Beerus laughed.
"Whis, I swear she could beat Champa when she grows up!"

"Let us hope she does not upset him."
Whis giggled after he cleaned me up.
Then Whis says.
"Congrats to you both."

"Thank you Whis."
I smile at Whis.

Whis nods to me.
"You are welcome."

Liviko goobered at Whis.
"She likes you too Whis."
Beerus laughed.

"Aye she does."
Whis chuckled.


To be continued..................

This book will be ended after this chapter but Liviko's story will go into another series soon just you wait!
Moka will stay in in this series though.
That is why I ended this book so abruptly I have big plans for Liviko soon.
I always have a reason for things as you know.

Beerus' First Luv {Beerus Romance {17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now