Suggestion To Move In With Beerus

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Here's another chapter for you guys enjoy!!
Beerus rarely curses in the show he hates cursing like the show, yet he tolerates when Luka curses, which you'll find out why he does tolerate it in the future but not this chapter.
So when he curses in his mind or outloud it means he is pissed or if in a passionate mood it is in arousal.
Just to let you guys know that.

Beerus was pissed, pissed at whoever attacked Luka this time, and the attacker Luka knew!
Beerus will kill whoever attacked her!

I will kill that bastard that attacked Luka!
Beerus thought to himself, as he looked down at Luka in the bed she was in, her unconscious, and Dende was treating her wounds again.

Bulma was beside Beerus, and looked at Beerus who was covered in Luka's red blood on his chest.
"Beerus she will be okay."
Bulma puts a hand on Beerus' arm.

"She knew her attacker and I shall obliterate him."
Beerus looked to Bulma with an enraged serious look, making her get cold chills.

Damn, Beerus must be crushing hard over Luka to want to kill her attacker!
Bulma thought to herself.

"Goku is here."
Whis says to Beerus.

"I know, I sense him."
Beerus comments, looking to Bulma again.
"Did you call Goku?"

"I did.
Even Vegeta knows you have been visiting Earth more than usual so they both got curious.
Goku wants to help though."
Bulma tells Beerus.

"This is my fight this time."
Beerus growled out.

Goku walked into the room.
"Beerus, I heard about your friend.
I can help!"

"Goku this is my fight!"
Beerus glared at Goku.

Goku blinked in shock.
"Your fight?"

"Yes my fight.
Whoever hurt Luka will pay."
Beerus looked to Luka who was fully healed by Dende.

Dende sighed in relief.
"She is healed, but she should rest."
Dende stands up, looking to Beerus.
"Let her rest here for now Lord Beerus."

Beerus nods agreeing with Dende.
"You can shower in my home Beerus, since she's resting in this guest room."
Bulma tells Beerus.

"I will bathe her blood off me in your home then.
Show me where your bathing room is."
Beerus walked off following Bulma.


I slowly open my eyes, finding I'm in a bed in an unfamiliar room, and Whis was sitting next to me in the room.
Where am I?"
I ask Whis.

"You are in a guest room of Bulma's home."
Whis says to me.

"How long was I out?"
I ask him.

"A few hours."
Whis says to me.

"Have you two eaten?"
I ask Whis.

"Yes, Beerus is still eating though.
I finished early to check on you."
Whis says, as I heard the door open, and watched Beerus walk in.

Beerus looked relieved I'm up.
"Are you feeling okay Luka?"
Beerus walked over to the other side of my bed, and kneeled down.

"I feel fine."
I tell him.

"Your attacker you knew him?"
Beerus asked.

"He's my last lover, but he was brought back by fox death magic, turning him into a demon.
He looked right through me as if not seeing me.
The only person I know who could do this magic besides my father is my uncle."
I tell Beerus.

Beerus' First Luv {Beerus Romance {17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now