Chapter Eight - Kees' Accusation

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   And so, the trial began. Everyone seemed scared now that two people were murdered in one night, but I know that we can do this. We'll find out who the murderer is for sure.

    "Let's hear the information you two found," Alex said, looking at Kees and I.

   "Well, when I examined Alicia, she was hung on there by ropes on her arms and legs, while her head was hung by a knife," I explained, "not only this, but the murderer had used the same knife that Ally used to murder Sabrina. The murder weapon had no fingerprints, so I had assumed they used gloves. There is not really much information left, except that they tried to clean up the crime scene, but I believe that they didn't have time to clean up the wall because the power generator was being turned back on."

   "The only people near the pantry were you, Kees, Alicia, Vinny,  Liza, John, and Jackson," Annie stated, "but we know that Colleen and Kees for sure aren't murderers because they always find every piece of evidence in the crime scene and share it. If they were murderers, they would leave half of the information out. Not only this, they never change anything in the crime scene except when they need a closer look at something."

   "That's true," Dan spoke, "but there are three other suspects in that statement you made, which are Liza, John, and Jackson. So, let's see if we can make sense out of this, but first, we need to ask Kees if he found anything before we can make accusations."

   Kees looked around the room and said, "What I noticed about Vinny is that the painting's frame is now cracked, it's nothing much. However, I still don't know how Vinny's head is just hung on the wall there. There is no rope, no knife, not really anything. My theory about this is that he was possibly hung on there by glue, but it doesn't really seem like the glue supplied in this house is strong enough to hold a human head there."

   "When the lights turned on, Liza, John, and Jackson were all near the sink, which is kind of far from the painting," Kai added, "however, Liza and John were the two closest people near the painting in this three person suspect group you are all talking about."

   "When Colleen mentioned the knife having no fingerprints and they must have used gloves, this kind of leads down to who the murderer is," Jackson continued, "it's John, and we know this because he is wearing gloves right now."

   Everyone stared at John, and I could tell he was about to yell, again, but this seems way too easy... you can't just assume who the murderer is by their position in a crowd, you are bound to get it wrong. The conclusion can't be John, that is what I think. Although he is very rough and intense, and he doesn't seem like someone who would murder people or seem psychopathic or insane. He's an ordinary guy, just with anger issues.
   "Jackson, I think that your accusation is wrong," I spoke up, "although John has these anger issues and intense or rude personality, he doesn't seem to be a murderer. We can't make our accusations based on a suspect's location to the corpse. It's too easy, and it's not a smart way to find evidence."

   Jackson seemed shocked, but argued, "We can! If the power generator was going to turn on quick, then they had to run as fast as they could to the other side of the room or something wouldn't that be a piece of evidence?"

   "No, it's not," I replied, "what if someone was near a corpse, but they didn't know it? Then, like you mentioned, even if they ran to the other side, should we just straight on just accuse the person closest to the corpse? That would be a really wrong move to do. You can't just accuse someone of murder like that."

   "Colleen is right," Kees agreed, "your distance away from the corpse does not tell you right away who the murderer is. I believe that John is as innocent as a majority of us are. However, I have thought about this while you were all arguing about this, and I have come up with who the murderer is."

   "Who is it?" Jo asked.

   "The murderer would be Jackson." Kees demanded.

   Everyone gasped, and I could tell that they were confused. The room went quiet, as well. I was slightly confused about how he knew this for sure, but I didn't show it. I want to see where Kees was headed with this.

   "You all seem confused," Kees continued, "so let me explain. First of all, when the power generator turned on, I noticed how Jackson was not looking directly at Vinny's corpse, but he still mentioned, very loudly, that Vinny and Alicia had been murdered. He was the first to know before all of us who had been murdered without even having Alicia or Vinny in his sight. Secondly, I wasn't only examining Vinny's head. Another piece of information I forgot to explain was when I checked the trash can, too, just in case the murderer threw away evidence, and there were gloves. John's gloves are just gloves for fashion, and there is no blood on his gloves, if you cannot tell. Lastly, you were quiet this whole trial, until you came up with a way to accuse John of the murderer. So, what do you have to say about this? Are you guilty, or not?"

    Jackson threw on his shocked face again.  He was going to argue again, of course, but he was for sure guilty. Kees made up key points to this, and his first explanation of why he was accusing Jackson told us that Jackson was in fact Alicia and Vinny's murderer.

   "I hate you so much, Kees," Jackson spoke quietly, "but good job. It's game over for me."

   I felt like trembling, so I asked the question, "Why Vinny and Alicia?"

   Jackson looked at me, but he didn't have the same reaction as Ally did to this question.

   "I did this because when we were kids, Vinny and Alicia were popular because they were twins. I wanted to be like them, a perfect bond with their sibling, but my brother died in a car accident. I got jealous, and held a strong hate for them," Jackson explained, "I apologize for being too messy about it, and murdering them doesn't make me feel the slightest bit better. I regret my decision now, but I hope they're in a better place now. I probably won't be able to meet them there because I am going to hell, but I hope they are happier."

      The mastermind suddenly spoke to end the trial, "Now, should we vote on today's murder? Get one of the pieces of paper on the coffee table, and get a pen and write down the name of your vote! Then, put it down the piggy bank  so I can read your votes. Good luck!"

   We all voted and put our accusation in the piggy bank.

   "The house believes Jackson is the murderer. The conclusion is... correct. Tonight's murderer has been identified as Jackson. Great job, there is one more murderer to go."

   "Goodbye, it was nice knowing you all," Jackson told us, "I hope you find out who the last murderer is and get out of here."

   The same bow and arrow came from the roof and hit Jackson in his chest. He looked at both me and Kees and said his last words, "I believe in you," and closed his eyes to find a better place.

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