Chapter Two - Rules

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   Jo told me what the person on the speaker said. She seemed terrified when she was trying to quote it herself, so she wrote it on a piece of paper instead, the EXACT words. I guess it was all glued to her head.

   After she left to talk to Thomas, I read the note with Kees sitting next to me at the kitchen table.

   We read the note.

   "Welcome, welcome, to your new house in which you will live in forever, if you don't- well, nevermind that. However, you are now in a house in which amongst all of you lies THREE murderers. Nobody here is allowed to get hold of a weapon except these three people. Things like knives are only allowed to be used for cooking. The murderers are allowed to only kill at midnight and allowed to wield a weapon after 12:00 AM, but they have to put it away at 4:00 AM. There are only two people allowed to be murdered every night. There are also trials or a voting for when someone gets murdered, and you have to guess who the murderer is. Think of this as a game, could you? So here are the rules-

   "One, remember the weapon rule, or you will be eliminated, or to put in other words, dead. Two, you are not allowed outside, and not that you can go outside, anyway. The doors are locked shut and there is no way out, unless I unlock it myself. Three, murderers and innocents can not team. If there are teamers, they will be eliminated. Four, if a twin is murdered, the other is supposed to be, too. Also, if  a twin is accused of a murder, they are going to be eliminated along with their twin. Five, murderers win if they murder everyone else in the house, and innocents win by working together to find out who I am in the final trial and if they guess correctly, me and the remaining murderers must kill themselves and let you leave. Last rule that I was supposed to state before, if you are wrongly accused, you will still be eliminated/executed in front of this household.

   "Good luck! You look like a great group to play with, and try not to get murdered. Be wise."

   After reading this, I was terrified too. Kees looked at the note, then around the room for something.

   "What are you looking for?" I asked. Kees looked at me when I said this.

   "Spy cameras," he said, "I'm pretty sure there would be some if there are rules like that to this. For example, the camera up there is looking at us now."

   Kees pointed at the camera and I looked in the same direction. It was pointing at me and Kees. Whoever was the leader or mastermind of this game, they were watching closely at this game.

   Everyone sat at the table, too when they realized the spy camera. It seemed like we needed to discuss this all together, but it will be hard since there are not one, but three murderers among us.

    "Why is there a spy camera up there?" a girl named Liza asked.

   A girl named Ally, who I think was eavesdropping on both me and Kees when we were talking about the note Jo wrote us and the spy camera answered her.

    "It's probably for this game we're playing in. They want to observe us so that they know when to do the voting or to investigate or something," she said.

   "Well, that's pretty creepy," a girl named Jordan spoke from the corner, "and why the hell would they want to start a murder game and watch people die?"

   I thought about this for a second. It seemed like Kees was, too. Whoever started this is the one who most likely brought us in here. They probably chose us for a reason. Maybe we had abilities that could finish the game, or it could be something else. I don't understand why we were brought here if we were going to have our memories erased, though. All of us don't even remember who we are or what we were before this.

   A few hours after discussing this, it was midnight, and we all lost track of time. We were all up and awake. Kees and I tried to look for a room or something where this mastermind might be, but it really seems like a normal house to us. We have checked all the walls, roofs, and floors but still, nothing.

   As Kees and I were checking the bathroom, the lights went out. I got scared and held something really tight. I guess this was when the first murder was going to happen. Everyone else was in the living room, so I am sure it would be hard to escape the murderers in the same room as them.

   I heard a blade slide, then a scream. I almost screamed myself, but I didn't. I didn't want anyone to hear me, even the murderers.

   The lights went back on a minute later. From only one scream, I can assume only one person was murdered. When the lights came back on, I realized I was hugging Kees too tightly. I stepped back in embarrassment.

   My face was heating up really bad. "I am so sorry Kees!" I told him, "I didn't mean to do that!"

   Kees smiled and said, "No, it's fine, I understand you were freaking out at least I know you aren't a murderer for sure."

   I smiled back at him. He was kind of charming and smart, really smart. Wait, what am I thinking? I can't fall in love right now. Both Kees and I have to make sure we survive and escape. Also to find out who the murderers and mastermind are.

   We ran outside the bathroom to see where the murder happened and who was killed. It seemed like everyone was in only one room. It was the room Sabrina went into when she angrily went away. Kees and I ran up to the front of the crowd, and saw that it was Sabrina that died, and she wasn't the murderer, of course.

   I felt bad that we argued with her before this happened, now. Whoever was the mastermind, suddenly spoke on the speaker.

   "One has died," the mastermind spoke, "Sabrina was found dead in the bedroom! Time to investigate! The voting is in an hour."

   Only an hour?! How can you investigate and already find the murderer an hour later? It makes no sense!

   Kees looked determined. Once they stopped speaking, Kees started to investigate. I joined in.

   "Everyone, look around the house for clues. Colleen and I will check Sabrina first." Kees instructed loudly.

   Although everyone seemed scared, they checked anyway. Jordan was the last to go outside and turned to us.

   "Tell us everything you find out, we will need it," Jordan said, "we'll share everything we find about this situation soon."

   Kees and I looked at her and nodded in agreement. Then we started to investigate the corpse.

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