Chapter Three - The First Trial

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   First, we checked the weapon, which was right next to Sabrina. It was a knife. Then we checked her wounds, which were mostly cuts and her severed head. We checked her surroundings after, and there was brown hair, which was not Sabrina's. Sabrina had lighter brown hair, so it was not hers for sure.

   However, everyone in the house went into the room when the lights went back on, so it could be anyone with brown hair. I picked up the piece of hair and put it in a bag I had, though, because it could be important evidence.

   "Did you find anything Kees?" I asked, "I found a strand of hair."

   Kees looked at me and said, "Yes, I found that the murder weapon has numbers on the handle."

   I walked over to the knife, and realized that it did have numbers.

   "What could this mean?" I asked.

   "I don't know," Kees said, "it can be a code or something, but I don't understand the code."

   The numbers on the knife read, "1, 12, 12, 25". I didn't feel careful with holding the knife to the voting, so I just put it in the bag with our evidence so far.

   The murderer didn't really leave anything else behind. They were good, and they must be really smart. The numbers could be a code that I can't decode just yet, because I don't understand which way to decode it.

   Kees and I walked out of the room, and we were 5 minutes early before the voting. Everyone was still searching for clues.

   "Did anyone find anything useful?" I asked. Everyone looked in our direction now, and a guy named Dan spoke up.

   "I found a very weird photograph in a kitchen drawer," Dan said, "it is a picture of the house and a girl in front, playing ball with her brother or something."

    "May we see it?" Kees asked.

   Dan took the picture out of his pocket and said, "Of course."

   Kees took the picture from Dan and examined it. I did, too.

   I thought that this was odd. The kids looked like twins, and people we know in this house right now. The brother looked like Vinny, but tinier, and the little girl looked like Alicia, but tinier, too.

   I believe Kees noticed the same thing, because he looked at both Vinny and Alicia, then looked back at the picture.

   I don't believe that it was them though. Sometimes people just look the same, I guess, but this was still an odd picture. Why are they playing in front of a murder house?

   Kees sighed and said, "Thank you, I am sure that we must keep this for future reference if we can, because I don't think that this goes with the current situation right now."

   Dan nodded, when all of a sudden the person on the speaker started to talk.

   "Well done, well done!" they said, "I hope you found evidence that was very crucial to Sabrina's murder! Time to put the trial in session! Please sit down on the living room couches."

   Everyone walked to the couches and sat down. There wasn't enough room for some people, so they stood up. This included me and Kees.

   "This is how the trial goes," the mastermind said, "if you would like to speak, you must stand up so the whole house can hear you. Discuss your findings, then once you are done, it is voting time! If you guess the right person who murdered the victim, they get eliminated! If you all guess the wrong person, they get eliminated instead, and the murderer still runs free! Remember to be wise about your choices.

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