Chapter One - The Houseguests

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   My name is.. well, I don't remember right now. I just woke up in a room with one chair and a megaphone with another guy. Was I drunk and got brainwashed or something? I can't remember what happened the night before. I can remember stuff from 3 months ago, but I can't remember my own name. This was strange. When I woke up, the guy in the same room as me was also knocked out.. or asleep? I realized he had a name on his wrist. I checked mine, it was Colleen. So, my name is Colleen, huh? Not a bad name.

   I read the name on his wrist. It was "Kees". He was wearing some type of fedora hat and suit. His outfit was dark and intimidating, but I still attempted to wake him up. I tried to shake him awake, but he didn't wake up. I slapped his face, it didn't work either. So, I guess I had to try something else. Since there was a megaphone in the room, I used that. I checked if it was working, and it was. I turned it on and yelled his name.

   He woke up and said, "What? What happened? Who are you? Where am I? Who is Kees?"

   He seemed to have lost his memory too. I wondered what happened to us and if there was anyone else in the house.

   "To answer all your questions, I have no idea where we are, what happened, and how we got here," I said, "I think we should solve this together and stick together through this, don't you think? My name is Colleen, and I forgot my name when I woke up, too. I found out my name by looking at your wrist, then looking at mine. Your name is Kees, and if you don't trust me with that, just look at your wrist yourself."

   Kees looked at his wrist, "Oh, thank you for telling me. I got worried, but this is fishy. Do you think we got kidnapped or something?"

   "I think so," I thought about this for a second, "It really only seems like the only possibility, since I don't know who you are or this place."

    Kees stood up, and looked at me seriously, "Since I found you first, gave me information, and seem trustworthy, I trust you. Let's get out of this together, okay?"

   I looked at him, too. I nodded my head in agreement. I want to get out, no matter what it takes. This situation is suspicious, so it doesn't seem good to wander alone.

   We both headed towards a door that led into the living room. There, we saw a ton more people. They all looked worried, serious, or confused. Once me and Kees got outside the room, they just stared at us. I believe we were the last ones who walked into the room, because there were about 3 other doors and a kitchen and the doors were all already open.

   One of them looked at us and started to yell and accuse us.

   "Who are you two? Why did you take us in here? What is this trick?" He yelled in anger.

   I looked at him in fear. Kees stepped in front of me, and it seemed like he was protecting me.

   "We did not take you in here. We have no clue what is happening either. Calm down, we are not the culprits here." Kees said. I was surprised that he said this calmly too. I thought he would lose his cool from this random guy just yelling at him.

   "Oh, really? I'm sorry. I guess that wasn't you or that girl on the speaker then, huh?" the guy said.

   "What speaker?" I spoke up, "Was someone talking? What did they say?"

   "No crap someone was talking," a girl spoke from the back, "are you dumb?"

    I read both the girl and boy's names. The girl was named Sabrina, and the boy was named Jackson.

   Sabrina was wearing a blue jacket and a white shirt that looked really jacked up. Jackson was just wearing yellow clothes that matched his blonde hair.

    "Well, are you?" Sabrina asked.

   "Hey, don't be rude to her, she doesn't know what happened," a guy named Thomas spoke from the back of the room.

   Another girl named Jo had joined into the conversation and said, "Yea, don't you know what being kind is?"

   Sabrina angrily mumbled something and went into a room. I don't think anyone saw her again that night, or after that night, too.

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