"I'm a little busy at the moment."

"And I'm about to burst a pipe in any minute. Come on! I'll be quick."

"Okay, just let me put on my-"

"No time!" He twists the doorknob and pushes in. Daisy is completely dumbfounded, she knew she locked that door.

"How did you-"

"No time to explain," he pushes his way in and starts to pull down his boxers. Daisy flees the scene and stumbles out into the hallway. Liam closes the door behind her.

Daisy soon hears him peeing. It sounded like a raging waterfall.

Completely exposed, she stands outside waiting to be let back in. But after awhile of not hearing him peeing, she knocks on the door.

"I thought you said you had to pee!"

"This has obviously turned into a number two situation."


The door to Jackson's room opens and Jackson steps out rubbing his eyes, annoyed.

"It's six in the god damn morning, why the hell-" his eyes regain focus and he notices Daisy's towel covered body standing in the middle of hallway. Without hesitation he grabs her arm and pulls her into the room.

"What were you doing naked outside in the hallway?" He questions. "Do you know how many single men are in this house?"

"I didn't ask to be vacated from the bathroom. Your brother somehow magically picked the lock on the door and kicked me out to take a piss. And plus, everyone is still asleep."

"Men can sense when there are naked women," was the lamest excuse Daisy had ever heard from a man to conceal their obvious jealousy.

"Okay, Tarzan," she snickers taking a seat on the edge of the bed with a firm grip on her towel.

"What are you even doing up this early anyway?" He asks, dismissively.

"Couldn't sleep."

Immediately, Jackson feels bad. "I forgot about the fact you have a hard time being in new places."

"It's okay. My body will soon get used to it."

The mention of body made Jackson forget that she was wet and naked on his bed in just a towel. There was a sudden stiffness in his boxers. He curses himself out in his head and he quickly walks to his window with his back towards her.

"Everything okay?" She asks.

"Peachy," he grits.

Liam walks into the room, "I'm out. You can go back in, but I'd hold your breath."

Daisy rolls her eyes and stands up, passing Liam on her way out. But he stops her before she can get to the bathroom.

"On second thought, I can use a shower. Do you think you can help me again, Daisy? I do miss those hands of yours."

"Liam," Jackson warns still facing his window. "Don't tempt me."

"You okay there, brother? You look like you're about to start a really sad music video."

"Leave me."

"What's with him?" He asks Daisy.

"I don't know. All I said was that once my body gets used to staying here I'll be able to sleep fine." Liam gives her a once over and realizes almost immediately what was wrong with his brother. He takes this opportunity to tease him.

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