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A little later a hand snake around me. I shiver.

"I just can't take it anymore, Angel. Stop being like this. " He asks me.

I know I can't pretend anymore.

"I need time Ethan. Please let me have my space but just a few days. "

Or just this night, I mean.


Ethan kiss my cheek from behind, startling me.

"Good Morning. "

It's stupid because I try to hide my purse as if I had been grounded. I scold myself for this huge mistake.

What if he finds that I met them?

"Good morning," I answer stepping away from him.

He scratches the stubble of fresh mustache he has recently grown looking down at his shoes. Presumably, he is catching up with my odd behavior or fears exactly. What can I do? I am not a good actor.

"Where are you heading to?" I exhale.

"So I need to give you my daily memo to Ethan."

His eyebrows join in dissatisfaction.

Of course, I didn't need to be wary.

"No, but I would like to drop you off. You are so distant and this would do us good." He speaks in a hoarse voice carefully enclosing the expanse between us filling in with his clothes and rest with the air of him. His finger traces my cheeks and his orbs never leave my mine. I can't deny that I can feel he is truly invested in me. The kind every woman dreams of. But it scares me.

" And distance is debilitating. You know how much I love you, Angel, right? "

He waits for me and I can hardly breathe. I am exhausted and have been for two weeks now. My conscience has been battling.

"Ethan." I whimper. Just a call of helplessness.

This makes him advance and kiss me. Passionately. It progresses and progresses to the point that I am in his arms and is taking me to the nearest bedroom in the hallway.

He throws in the bed and in seconds gets himself off his tailored business attire. His eyes peering mine the whole time. I want him as much as he does. But I can't proceed and that irritates me. I close my eyes in sheer pain.

I feel Ethan's fingers trace the curves of my face. I open my eyes and look at his concerned face.

"We will work something out. We will." He says.

I don't believe him.

" Just let it go for a moment, Angel. Give in to me, please. " surprisingly, I obey. Or maybe all the disappointment is so heavy to carry at this moment. He sees it.

" we work something out," he says again and I nod. "I love you, Angel."

The passion with which his skin rubs to mine speaks amply.

Billionaire's Desire ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon