Chapter - 14- Angelina

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"Your eyes look beautiful." Ryan compliments me from across the table and I smile at him.

Going on this date seemed an appropriate idea but now when I hear it's not how I had the impression in my mind. I thought I would be too happy, a little nervous and unconfident, but happy. It isn't like that.

Just as I smile I remember about Liam. I remember I am homeless. I remember that I am jobless too. Even though Archer begged me not to quit but I did. I guess I thought if everything is changing than my workplace should too.

"Angie, are you okay?"

I shake my head and smile back at him.

"I am good." I shake my head again and add, "And thank you for the compliment."

He frowns and then smiles at me. I know I am weird. After mom and dad, I have lost my charm and I am not popular anymore. Is Ryan seeing me now?

I look closer to his green eyes and then the blur. Next, I see again see deep and dark eyes.

Fuck you, Ethan.
Just leave my mind.

I groan them regret. Ryan is totally uncomfortable now and that's making me uncomfortable.

"I need to go to the loo." I fumble with my words and stand up without him consenting with me. Not that he would have stopped me but where are my manners. Oh yes, I am a total mess. So it went away.

I make my way to ladies' room after enquiring for direction to one of the waiters. Just when I reach I palm the counter and take a deep breath.

"Will I ever be able to confront a man to love him?"

It wasn't hard to talk to Ryan earlier. I knew he liked me but now when he us trying to come into my world I want to run away with it. It's frustrating and stupid at the same time.

Ryan is a good man. And he is a gem who makes any lady's knee go weak. But why I am not happy about it?

I gulp at the thought and look up myself in the mirror. Dark red lips and my light blue eyes shadowed with a blue shimmering liner.

Do I really look beautiful?

Are my eyes really looking beautiful?

I shake my head and laugh. If I hadn't acted a slob it was better.

"You should go out and face it. You won't get a better man than Ryan. You know how happy he made Mirinda. You would love him. "

I smile back at my reflection, straighten up and strut out with all the confidence I could muster.

I sit and then smile at him. I look at his now concerned face which isn't smiling now. Isn't it a good sign?

" Are you okay Angie? "

" I am very happy Ryan. I am happy to see your face full of concern for me. I am happy that we are having dinner together." I say.

His eyes begin to shimmer and I could see chest swell. If I am doing that to him then I am up for it.

" I am happy about it too Angie. " He reaches over to my hand and palm it. I flinch and stiffen but slowly relax as he rubs the upper of my hand.

"You should eat now. Food is real pissed to haven't got enough attention. "

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