Chapter 35

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"What?!?" Daddy was shocked.

"He probably left for Orochimaru! He seeks power and aims to avenge his clan!" I said.

"We have to inform the Hokage, but it is very late. We will inform her first thing in the morning. Alright?"

"Okay dad.. But what if he is still nearby? We can catch up with him if we leave now." I reasoned.

"It's late night, Sakura. He is probably hiding somewhere deep in the forest to rest." He reassured.

"Alright... Still, you are late!" I scowled.

"Hehehe.. Now let's eat dinner!" He laughed sheepishly. I sighed.

After we finished our dinner, we went to bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I couldn't move. What the?! I'm chained?!? Why?!? Sasuke!! I tried to break the chain, but it wouldn't work. Chakra resistance! Fuck!


I watched her opening her eyes to find herself chained on her bed. I'm sorry, Sakura. I have to do this to protect you..


After I woke up early, I headed to the Hokage tower immediately.

"Hokage-sama." I called.

"Come in."

I stepped into her room and she looked at me.

"You are early today. What is it?" She asked.

"Sasuke left the village. He shouldn't be too far away." I informed.

"Alright, Shizune! Call Shikamaru!" She yelled.

"Tsunade-sama, please what ever you do, do not put Sakura in the team to seek him. He probably left for Orochimaru and he might be after Sakura as well." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"During the Chunnin exam, Orochimaru planned to give Sasuke the curse mark, but Sakura proved herself. She fought well with him during the 2nd test and he changed his mind. He was going to give her the curse mark, but Sasuke shielded her so he got the curse mark in the end. I'm afraid that he will be after Sakura." I confessed.

"That bastard Orochimaru!" She slammed the table. She thought for awhile and said,"I will send some ANBUs to watch over her. She is my apprentice and I will not let anything happen to her." She said.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." I bowed and vanished.


"Daddy." She called from the window.

She noticed me? I smirked.

I hopped inside and sat next to her.


"Mind telling me why am I chained?" She asked.

"I have already told the Hokage about Sasuke. I believe you would want to join too, but I won't let that happen. If he leaves for Orochimaru, I'm sure he will send someone to guide Sasuke. Or more people. Orochimaru might be after you too. I won't let you take that risk. I hope you understand, Sakura." She was silent for awhile, then spoke.

"I understand. But I can't stay here forever can I? I need to eat." She chuckled.

"Okay, but I'll put a chakra seal on you first." I said and did the seal. After it's done, I unchained her and she left. She can't do anything without her chakra. I'm sorry..

Sakura's POV

Even though Orochimaru have Sasuke, he still wants to go after me? I sighed. I understand that daddy has to do this. I can't win this argument.

Honestly, I'm afraid to be in his hands.. I don't want to leave this village. What will happen to me if I follow him? I sighed. I headed to the training ground and trained my stamina and taijutsu. I can't do anything else without chakra.

I need to be stronger. I need to protect everyone. I have to bring Sasuke back. I have to be too strong for Orochimaru to handle.

I trained with these thoughts in my mind, oblivious to a pair of eyes watching me. The pair of eyes which doesn't belong to the ANBUs watching over me.

Published: December 2014
Edited: 13 January 2017

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