Chapter 19

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"This is the forest of death where the 2nd exam will be held. Each of you will get either a Heaven scroll or an Earth scroll. To pass this test, you have to reach a tower with both of the scrolls within the time limit which is exactly 5 days. You have to arrive with all of your teammates or you will be disqualified. Am I clear?"

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

"Before that, I'll hand you these forms to fill in or your death will be my responsibility." She smiled wickedly. Many of the candidates gulped. "Fill it and exchange it for the scrolls from the booth behind me. Then you may all stand at your gates to wait."

She gave us the form for us to fill in. We handed it and got a Heaven scroll. I kept it with me because they wouldn't expect a weak looking girl to keep such an important scroll. Plus, I'm the strongest in my team so it would be wise for the strongest to protect it. The participants waited in front of their respective gates for 30 minutes.

"Begin!" Anko sensei shouted and some teams dashed in. Naruto, Sasuke and I walked slowly to observe the place. As we walked deeper into the forest, it begun to creep me out. I felt a presence on my right. I eyed the bush and yelled,"Come out!"

"Observant one, are we?" She hissed. Grass ninja. They way she talks send shiver down my spine.

"Do you have the Earth scroll?" I asked straight to the point.

She took out the Earth scroll and said,"This one?" I looked at it with my eyes widened as she swallowed it. Who is she?! A monster?!?

"I'm afraid you can't have it." She smiled. I glared at her.

"Who are you? You freak!" Naruto shouted.

"Dobe!" Sasuke punched Naruto's head.


She laughed and we were put in a genjutsu. I noticed and immediately released it. Sasuke stabbed his leg and both of us carried Naruto away.

"Naruto!" We whispered, trying to wake him up.

"Sakura! Behind you!" Sasuke warned.

I snapped my head behind me and stabbed the gigantic snake in the eye. We are found!

"Sasuke, take care of Naruto! I'm taking her!" I ordered. He obeyed.

I charged at the woman and punched her. She dodged, and I tried to tackle her. She jumped and I slid under her.

"Water Style: Raging Waves!"

I blew out water from my water and it hit her with great impact. She flew further above the air. I jumped towards her.

"Water Style: Great Water Arm!"

I punched her with my water arm, then she crashed into a tree and turned into mud. A clone?!

I was alarmed. I looked around me and tried to sense her. Above! I looked above me, but it was too late. She punched me as I turn into water.

"Too bad!" I yelled and punched her from the sky. "You are not the only one who can use clones!"

As she fell, I tried to kick her stomach but she caught my leg and swung me to a tree. I caught a tree branch and swung around it. I landed on top of the branch and attacked her again.

Published: December 2014
Edited: 13 January 2017

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